Daddy's Girl

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             Astra's POV::

     I swing back and forth with my brother, staring down at my hands. My head is hurting from all the thoughts swarming it.      
     "Everything is going to me okay," Esteban says, squeezing my shoulder. After all the years of us never being on the at home play ground, we're on the swings.
"Dads acting like me wanting to go to go to this school is a bad thing. I just wish he was more like mom at times," I say. He scuffs. "He didn't act this way with you."
    "That's cause I'm not his favorite. Tio Xander even told me he never wanted a son. Your a daddy's girl, I'm a momma's boy," he explains. I chuckle. "What? I'm not afraid to admit that I love my momma."
    "I'm just so ready to leave this town," I say. He sighs.
"What about your friends?" He asks. I want to start laughing.
    "I have none. I live in your shadow. The only friends I've ever had just used me to get to you." He shrugs, standing up.
    "Your right about that, and I can't help my good looks. And you'll be okay, just sit and talk to dad, he'll come around."
    I look over at my dad and release a deep breath. "Listen, your mother and I are just worried for you that's all. You've never been to an actual school before," he says. A group of girls walk by and glance at my father with grins. As all the girls that have pretended to be my friends have said, my dad is handsome for someone in their early forties I guess.
    "I know, and I'll be fine. This isn't mean girls where I'll try to just getting up to use the restroom without permission. I know how everything operates," I say, trying to calm my anxiety for the sake of his own.
    "Okay, good. Try and make good friends boys," he says. I lean over and hug him before getting out and walking to where the lockers are. Where the hell is 271!? I look like an idiot looking around and accidentally making eye contact with people. I hate it; I hate this!
    "You need some help?" A deepish voice says from behind me. I spin around on my heels and see a olive skinned, skinny guy with shaggy brown hair and brown eyes.
   "Um...yeah. I was looking for my locker," I say, handing him the piece of paper. I wish my heart wouldn't beat so fast just by having a simple conversation with someone outside of my family circle. 
    "It's not far from mine, I'll show you," he says, leading the way. He dodges people walking pass us easily while I keep bumping shoulders and apologizing. Maybe I shouldn't of suggested public school.
   He stops at a row of lockers and gestures to the one directly in front of us. He hands me the paper back and gives me a friendly smile. "Thank you," I say, my hands shaking as I open the locker.
    "May I ask to see your schedule?" He asks, securing his backpack over his shoulders. I nod once I put my books in and get the thin piece of paper out for him. His eyes scam over it, nodding.
    "We have English, art, and PE together," he says, handing it back to me. I get back out the books I'll need for the next three periods and give him a small smile, unsure of what to say. "You were homeschooled weren't you?"
   "Excuse me?"
   "No, I don't mean to be rude: its just that it's a little obvious. And its also obvious that you don't know anyone here," he says. I close my locker and reset the lock.
    "No, I actually do," I say. We start walking towards his locker. "I have close family friends that are considered cousins that go here. My parents thought it would be smart to have me go to the same school as them, but they don't know that we don't all get along that well."
   He opens his locker and does what's needed. "I don't have friends either. I mean, I'm very social with literally everyone cause I don't give a fuck, but I'm not friends with know what I mean?" I nod just for his benefit. "But now we both have a friend."
    "I guess so."
      "Well having someone to actually keep me awake in Mr.Perezo's class is nice," Nick says as we walk to the field for PE. The day has so far been good. I've learned its fine to be more antisocial than everyone else in the class as long as I don't make eye contact with anyone.
     "On the first day the teachers are always late. All they'll do is roll call and we'll walk around the track for the rest of the period," he tells me. I look around, enjoying the hot sun while it lasts. I've always enjoyed the summer sun right before Fall begins. 
    My eyes catch a guy with tattoos running down his arms putting on a shirt. "Who's that?" I ask, gesturing to him. He look too old to be a student, maybe the same age as my cousin Dante.
    "Oh, that's Zenith Santiago, but we all call him Lucifer," he says. "He's not a student, he's twenty three. The only reason he's here is because this is his community service for his probation."
    "Probation? What did he do?"
    "Selling drugs, gang activity, possession of weaponry." I raise my brows at him. "What I do my research." I laugh, shaking my head. "You have the cutest smile. If I wasn't as gay as that couple on Modern Family I would have a crush on you."
    "Thanks?" I'm not surprised one bit by his sexuality. He glances around us.
    "I have nicer legs than most of the girls here," he mutters to himself. "Lucifer is one piece of hot meat though."
    "He's okay," I say, crossing my arms. He scuffs.
    "Are you blind? I would bang him so fucking ha-"
    "Okay," I say, making him stop. He laughs, shaking my shoulders.
   "Awe your a virgin," he says. I roll my eyes. "That's cute."
    "Yes, you're the only virgin I know actually. But with the way the guys at this school are....I don't think it'll last very long."
    "Oh yes it will." He looks back over at Zenith.
    "I wouldn't be so sure."

    AN: Welcome to the life of Vito and River's daughter, Astra's, life. So far I'm really happy with the way this first chapyer has gone. Please tell me your thoughts and share. Believe in yourself -Vaeh

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