Officer Martin

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Zenith's POV::

"There has never been any boys in my life that aren't like family, so it would be weird," she explains. I could be your first kiss.

I look into her eyes as I lean in, my lips close to brushing hers. She looks at my lips for a second, then at my eyes again. "Are you going to kiss me?" She asks. I chuckle.
"Is it okay if I do?" I ask. She nods, her hands shaking. I close the space between our lips, tasting her ChapStick. Hesitantly, her hand snakes around the back of my neck. The sound of the women front office talking over the intercom saying the lock down is over breaks us apart.
She looks shyly into my eyes, then stands. "Um...."
"I'll see you around." She nods tightly, turning around on her heels. That fucking kiss...damn. The taste of her lips on mine was amazing. Those cliche sparks ran through my body.

"I can't do it anymore," I tell Manuel. "Everytime I'm around her, I forget what I'm supposed to be doing. She's...different. I don't-"
"Too bad, Zenith," he says. "This was your idea, but if your backing out, its now an order. The man deserves to die for murdering your father, my best friend. He doesn't know what's coming for him. You do not fall for the stupid girl."
"Lucifer, devils don't fall for angels." This devil does.

                Astra's POV::

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Astra's POV::

Natalie looks at me, tilting her head to the side. She smiles rapidly at her work. "You look beautiful," she says. It sounds weird for her to compliment me. For Yeats we hardly talked and if we did, it was always snappy. "What's wrong?" She asks.
"Nothing," I say. She cocks her brow at me. "Do you know Zenith?"
"Lucifer?" She asks. I nod. "Everyone at the school knows him. He's the sexy devil that all of us would go to hell with and rule with him. But why?" I shake my head. "No, you have to say it now."
"He...he kissed me today," I say. Her eyes widen.
"You've been blessed by the devil!" She screams. I cover her mouth with my hand. "Sorry, but...fuck. Was it good?"
"I-I think. It was my first kiss," I say, embarrassed to say that. I'm almost eighteen and I barely got my first kiss.
"Wow, this keeps getting better and better; the devil was your first kiss. What did he say after?"
"He said he'd see me around. I don't want him to," I say. She looks at me like I've lost my mind. "Nick told me about him and why he has to do community service. That's nothing I want to get involved in."
"I understand, but it must be nice knowing he noticed you. All the girls were starting to think he was gay."

"Your family is...scary looking. They look like they could all be in a gang or something. Especially your father and uncle," Nick says as we sit on the ledge of the pier.
"I guess," I say. I've always hated my "birthday" cause we celebrate it on my brothers, who was born a day before me. He likes parties, so we always have a party. I would rather just sit at home, have a family night in, and watch Netflix.
"What's going on?" He asks, pointing to where everyone in. I groan at the sight of police cars with their lights on. We get up and run over to everyone. I groan as one of the cops puts Diego in the back. Fin, his father, is talking to another officer.
"Hello?" A deep voice says from in front of me. I turn to the side to see a tall man in a police uniform. My body immediately tenses. Cops give me anxiety; I don't know why. I know they are here to "protect and serve", but I've never felt that.
"Hello, sir," I say. Nick leans down close to my ear.
"I'm gonna go. Call me when you get home," he says and walks off. Great now I'm alone with the cop.
"Astra Reign. I know nothing of what's happened," I say. He nods. Looking around, I can't find my dad or uncles anywhere anymore.
"We got a call regarding possession of a fire arm. When we arrived here, the boy-"
"Diego, he's my nonbiological cousin," I say. He nods, grinning. He can sense my nervousness, I can tell.
"Did you know of him having a gun?" I shake my head. "Listen, there seems to not be many adults other than his father, so I'll just tell you he has to do twenty four hours, then community service." I nod, crossing my arms.
"If his father is here, why are your telling me all this?" I ask. He looks down, blushing.
"I kind of just wanted to talk to you," he says. Now I'm blushing. "Wow, this is very unprofessional of me."
"Its fine, I don't kind it officcceeerrrr" I look at his name plate, "officer Martin." He smiles.
"How old are you?" He asks. I take my phone out and look at the time.
"Just turned eighteen three minutes ago," I say. He releases a deep breath.
"So its not illegal for me to ask you out now. Want to get coffee tomorrow? Or some other time?" He asks. I open my mouth to say something, but loose the words. This has never happened. I don't know anything about him; but I guess that's the whole point of dates.
I need to do something for myself. I need to get out into the word and not under my father's other protective wing. "I would love that."
"Great," he says. "Um, tomorrow at five?" I nod, blushing. "Then, I'll see you tomorrow, Astra." I smile up at him shyly before turning and walking away.
Oh no. I hate coffee.

AN: How do you guys feel about Officer Martin? He has been added to the characters "chapter" so check that out if you want to see who I casted (not as attractive as who I have for Zenith but good enough I think).
Do you like Zenith or Officer Martin better? Please comment and share! Believe in yourself -Vaeh.

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