Distract Me

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::Zenith's POV::

As soon as Mack ended the call I left Washington and got on a flight home. There's no way in the deepest out of hell I would stay here when something has happened to my little girl and wife.
There is no lock on the door, so I have no trouble getting inside the house. Inside, all the lights are on. I'm sure that's because Mack was too scared to sleep with the lights off. I wish I had been able to get ahold of Astra to tell her that I was coming home.
I set my bags down and walk to Mack's room. She's clenching her pink pillow fight while covering herself with my jacket even though her blanket is what her feet. Years ago, I thought I had killed him; he should she died.
Taking off my jacket, I walk inside our bedroom to see blood covered on the white carpet and Astra sleeping in the center of the bed in her clothes still. I lean onto the bed on my knee, hover over her and kiss her temple to wake her. She jumps, almost headbutting me.
"Zenith," she sighs in relief, grabbing my shoulders and pulling me into a hug. I hold onto her tightly, running my hands through her hair. The small shaking of her body let's me know she's crying.
"It's okay, baby," I say, moving us, so I'm sitting and she's nearly on my lap. "Its okay, your safe, so is Mack. You two are okay."
"I killed him," she sobs, pulling away from my chest and looking at me. Her eyes drop down to her hands; their washed but the cracks still have blood. "I took someone's life."
"He was raping Mack, Hermosa," I tell her. She takes a deep breath. "If you hadn't, god knows what would happen; he could of done somehow worse to her or you. You finished the job that I meant to do years ago. I thought I killed him; my best guess is that after they found out he was alive he got changed, but not for as long as needed. I know it doesn't seem like it, but you did a good thing."
She nods, sniffling. "I know, I know that. I think I'm just in shock from the whole situation," she says, trying to can her breathing and wipe her tears. "I just need to distract myself."
I give her a soft smile, not knowing exactly how to comfort her. I've never had a problem with taking lives, but that could just because I witnessed murderers at such an innocent age; she didn't.
"Is there anything I can do to help you?" I ask. She shakes her head, looking at her hands as she fidgets. She stands and starts towards the bathroom.
"Join me?" She asks. Now of all times is when I least expect her to be bold like this.
"I'll be there in a minute," I tell her, removing my shoes. Looking down at the blood, all I can think of is how much of a pain in the ass it will be to get out. Its a white carpet for gods sake and the man made a mess. I can't call a carpet cleaner, how the hell could I explain something like this to the worker? That's right, I couldn't.
The water in the bathroom turns on just as I remove my T-shirt and undo my jeans. I'm not sure what she's expecting to go down, so I'm cautious. Removing the rest of my clothing, I walk into the bathroom and get in the shower behind her, the hot water spraying over her body.
I wrap my arms around her and pull her closer, closing my eyes. All I need right now to relax after everything that's been happening, especially today, is her. She's the only one who has this effect on me. She turns looks up at me with blood shot eyes.
"I love you," I tell her. She draws my lips down to hers. I force myself not take it too far too soon, wanting to savor the feeling and taste of her lips on mine. I could have lost her today too. There was a chance when I wouldn't of came home to her tonight. "So much. I love you so much."
"I love you too," she says, letting her hands run down my arms as I lean back in and press her against the shower wall. I pick her up, her legs instantly wrapping around me. "Distract me." There isn't a part of me that doesn't want her right now, but I'm also not sure if this is the best way to distract her.
"Are you sure?" I ask, my thumb grazing over her soft lips. She nods, not breaking eye contact with me. She gasps as I kiss her again, but this time putting all my emotions for her into it. She tugs at the ends of my hair gently. "In here?"
    "No," she says, shaking her head. I let her down and turn the water off as she opens the curtains and makes her way out. I admire her body as she leads the way into the bedroom. Years ago I would have never imagined myself being so awe struck from a body I've seen time and time before, but every time I need her naked I feel like it's the first time.
      I try pushing her into the bed, but she presses her lips against my collarbone, moving her way up, teasing around the area she knows is sensitive. I run my hands down the curve of her back. I let out a moan once she finally touches the area, torturing me in the best way possible.
   She pulls back and looks at me with lust filled eyes. This time she let's me pick her up for a second and lay her on the bed. I love the fact that she no longer tries hiding her her body from me. She's gotten comfortable and knows how breathtaking I think she is.
    "You're so beautiful," I mumble, kissing her jaw. She shivers under me as I move further down.
    Her back arches in pleasure as I take on of her breasts, toying with the nipple with my tongue; my other hand needing the other. She whimpers, her face looking like a mixture of pain and pleasure. I move away and continue down.
     I spread her legs a little more, sitting up on my knees and running my fingertips tips down the inside of her thighs. She shivers again, goosebumps appearing on her smooth skin.
     "You okay?" I ask her. She nods, swallowing down hard. I lay down between her legs, finally getting to my destination. 
    "Oh my-" she moans, her hand flying to my hair. The sound of her now hard breathing fills the room. Her eyes lock with mine for a second, before she relaxes onto the bed again, her chest rising and falling fast. "Zenith," she breaths.
    "Yes?" I mumble against her. She groans, tugging harder at my hair. Her back arches as she comes undone, hands gripping the sheets tightly. She pulls me back up, taking deep breaths. "You like that?"
    "Oh shut up," she says, giving me a small smile; I wasn't expecting one at all so I'll take what I can get. She reaches down and stroke me, making me groan. I remove her hand and position myself at her entrance, wrapping her legs around me. I keep my eyes locked down on her as I slowly push in, watching as her lips part and brows furrow in pleasure.
          I play with the wet strands of her hair as she looks up at the ceiling with her head on my chest. We should probably be asleep right now, but I tell that's the last thing she wants to do.
   "You okay?" I ask her. She nods, sitting up with the sheet covering her chest.
    "Yeah, I'm just gonna use the restroom real quick," she says, getting up with he sheet around her. Once the door closes I get up and take out some sweats from the dresser. Walking out of the room, in decide to check on Mack. I know nothing has happened to her cause I'm here, but there's no harm in checking.
    She's been through so much, some she doesn't even remember. It pains me to know that she'll endure more as she gets older. I want to be able to protect her from harm in every way shape and/or form, and I know that's impossible; but that's doesn't mean I can't try.
    I walk into her room and grabs her blanket, covering her with it, cause I know my jacket isn't doing the best job at keeping her warm. It hard for me to believe now that there was a time when she existed and I didn't know, and then she just showed up one day out of blue and turned my work upside down in the best way possible. I kiss her temple and walk back out of the room, hearing the sound of water from the bathroom sink.
    Astra now stands in front of the mirror in my shirt, washing her hands roughly. In her reflection I notice teats running down her face.
    "Its okay," I says, mu voice rougher than intended. Her hand washing grows more violent, the blood not coming off the cracks.  "Astra!"
    "I killed someone," she mumbles. I wraps my arms around her  from behind. Tears run down her face violently.
    "You had to."
    "I know, but I really took someone's life." He kisses the too of my head, taking a deep breath.
   "It's gonna be okay, amore."
               ::Astra's POV::

      "Astra!" Zenith yells. "WAKE UP!" I shoot up, breathing heavily. He holds me close, his arms still wrapped around me from when we were sleeping. The muscles in his arms are tense.
     "I'm sorry," I say once I notice scratches on his wrists from where I must have grabbed too hard in my sleep.
    "Its okay. It's okay, I'm fine." I rest my head back down on his chest, taking in his comforting scent. "I love you. Sleep." I hold tightly into him as I lay back down, breathing heavily and looking around. "I'm here. I'm going to protect you."
    "I'm sorry."
    "Don't think about it," he says. I close my eyes, mimicking his breathing pattern to calm down. "Think about....our first kiss." 
    I look into her eyes as I lean in, my lips close to brushing hers. She looks at my lips for a second, then at my eyes again. "Are you going to kiss me?" She asks. I chuckle.
"Is it okay if I do?" I ask. She nods, her hands shaking. I close the space between our lips, tasting her ChapStick. Hesitantly, her hand snakes around the back of my neck. The sound of the women front office talking over the intercom saying the lock down is over breaks us apart.
    I had just got up and left, not thinking for a second that I would be laying in bed with him years later as husband and wife. My eyelids grow heavy. I feel his kiss the top my head and run his rough hands up and down my arms just as I drift back to sleep.

  AN: I hope you guys liked it, almost 2,000 words and probably a shit ton of spelling errors cause I'm too lazy to edit all of this. Please check out my other stories, comment, vote, and share! Believe in yourself -Vaeh

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