Jimin rolls his eyes. "You always sound so sure about everything," he says, annoyed.

Yoongi puts his hands up in defense. "Hey, I'm just trying to be smart about things here."

"Right," Jimin says, drawing out the syllable. "Because you're Mr. Perfect, aren't you?"

Yoongi glares at the blonde boy. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Jimin's laugh is emotionless and I can't help but wince. They were doing so good, too. "You know exactly what I mean."

The older looks at the younger with confusion. "No, I don't think I do. Please explain."

Jimin's eyes are hard as he stares down his hyung. "Oh," Yoongi continues, smirking. "Don't tell me you're still hung up on that."

Jimin shakes his head and tsk's. "Wouldn't you be, too, if roles were reversed?" He then turns to me sadly and I look away in shame. He knows, doesn't he?

"Probably not," he says. "If I were you, I would just accept defeat and move on with my life."

Jimin's head snaps back to Yoongi, his mouth slightly open and his eyes wild with anger. "Accept defeat? What the hell do you mean by that?"

Yoongi smirks and licks his lips. "Oh, nothing."

Jimin looks back to me, his mouth opening and closing as he tries to find words. But they never come. Instead, in one swift motion, he stands up and takes off, leaving the rest of us to sit there in silence and confusion.

"What just happened?" Hoseok asks, bewildered.

Yoongi continues to smirk and I look at him questioningly, but he just shrugs. "Y/N?" Jennie asks and I turn to the older girl, almost forgetting that she was even there. "Is everything okay?"

I look back to a retreating Jimin and quickly stand up. "I-I'm sorry, unnie. I'll be right back."

I chase after the blonde boy and once I finally catch up to him, I grab his arm. He whirls on me, his nostrils flaring and his eyes wide.

"Jimin," I start, taking a step back.

He freezes, looking at me with emotionless eyes. "Y/N," he starts, "go back to the others."

I shake my head and hold my ground, my hands balling into fists at my side. "Not until you explain what the hell just happened back there."

He laughs, the sound sending shivers down my spine and I can't help but creep back in fear. "You want me to explain? I think it's you that needs to do some explaining here."

"I don't know what you mea-"

"Oh, cut the bullshit," he snaps and I wince. He takes a hand through his hair in frustration before resting both hands on his hips. "You really think I'm stupid?"

I bite my lip. "Jimin-"

"No, Y/N," he cuts me off again. "Were you ever going to tell me? Or were you just going to go on and pretend like everything is fine and dandy when things fucking aren't?"

I look down, a lump rising in my throat as I try to keep the tears back. "I-I'm sorry, Jimin. I-"

"He told me, you know," he says, softly. "I was willing to move past it, but you never brought it up. And then I see the way you look at him..." He trails off and I look up at him. "Dammit, Y/N. Do you think I'm stupid? You act like you have something to hide and it's so damn obvious... If it's him you want, just fucking tell me so that I can move on."

I take a step forward and take his hand. "Jimin," I plead. "Let's talk about this-"

"What is there to talk about, Y/N?" He asks, exasperated. "I don't want to be caught up in something and have my feelings toyed with. If Yoongi-hyung is the one you're in love with, I'll learn to be okay with that. But please don't make me stand here and watch as you go to him behind my back. That hurts more than you leaving me."

I let go of his hand and look away. "Jimin-"

"Look, Y/N, I get it. I really do, but-"

I give out a noise of frustration and turn to him, now annoyed because he keeps cutting me off. "Will you let me speak, please?"

He shrinks back but nods. "S-sorry."

I shake my head and sigh. "That's just the thing, Jimin. You don't get it," I start. "These last two years, I have been on my own. I've had absolutely no human contact up until that day Yoongi and Taehyung found me in that rusted van. It's been utterly overwhelming being with people again. Especially with people who have known each other for so long. You guys have so many inside jokes and so many memories with each other. It's hard to keep up most of the time and I feel like I'm not even there most days.

"When you first started showing me affection, I didn't know how to react. I like you, Jimin. I really do, but everything has happened so fast. And then Yoongi admitted his feelings for me and I just don't know what to do or how to feel," I say, looking down and feeling defeated. "I'm confused and I have this constant headache. All I want to do is disappear and leave all of this behind me. Being alone was so much more simple and I only had myself to look out for.

"But now I feel like I have this giant weight on my shoulder and I just..." I trail off as a tear slips down my cheek. Jimin reaches out and takes me into his arms, his hand smoothing down my hair in comfort. "I just don't know."

We stand in silence for a moment before Jimin pulls away and places two hands on my shoulders. "Y/N," he starts, placing two fingers under my chin so that I'm looking into his eyes. "I'm sorry. I didn't know you felt that way."

I bite my lip. "It's okay."

He shakes his head. "No," he says. "It's not. I've been too immersed in my own feelings that I never thought about how you might be feeling. Sometimes I forget that you've only been with us for such a short amount of time. I moved too fast and I'm sorry if I ever made you feel uncomfortable."

I smile. "You never once made me uncomfortable," I say. "But with how fast everything happened, it's just been really overwhelming."

He nods and gives me a sad smile. "Then let's slow things down," he says. "I'll give you space. You decide what you want to do and/or who you want. If you choose to be with me, then great. If you choose to be with Yoongi, that's fine, too. Hell, if you choose to be with Namjoon-"

I place my hand over his mouth and his eyes crinkle as he smiles. "I'm not out here to be with all seven of you," I say with a mocking glare.

He shrugs. "Hey, how do you know what you really want if you don't taste everything?"

My eyes go wide and I swat at him. He jumps back as he dodges my hand. "Come on," he says, grabbing my wrist. "Let's get back to the others."

Letting me go, we walk back to the small circle. My eyes travel to Yoongi who has moved rather close to Jennie, but I shake my head. It's nothing, Y/N. Besides, it doesn't matter to you anyways.

Jimin walks up to the dark-haired boy and extends his hand. "Truce?"

Yoongi looks at the boy with curiosity and then back to me. "Um... What?"

Jennie quickly gets up and walks over to me. She takes my arm and pulls me away from the rest of the group. "Hey," she says, concerned. "Is everything okay?"

I smile and look over to Yoongi and Jimin who are now deep in conversation. Jimin is probably explaining the situation. It's not long before Yoongi looks to me with a small smile. He then turns back to Jimin and nods.

"Yeah," I say, smiling. "Everything's good."

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