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"I'm so successful"

Rob up there.


  I bust out laughing as I handed the invitation back to Alexis. "Ha ha ha. Nice joke Alexis. Very funny." I said as I wiped the tears from my eyes. "Uh Rob, I'm not joking." She said as her face stayed serious. "Then how come you're the only one with an invitation?" I said with my eyebrow raised. "I don't know. We got this in the mail a few days ago. Antonio just handed this to me yesterday when I got off work. He thought it was a joke too." She said as she looked at me.

  "I- don't believe you." I said as my voice was starting to tremble. "Call Malik and see if he has one. I wouldn't do some sick shit like this to you rob and you know that." She said as I went and gave her a hug. "Yeah I know Lex and I apologize for that." I said before grabbing my phone and calling Malik. It took him a few rings before he finally answered.

  "Wassup Rob!" He said upon answer. "Hey Malik. Lemme ask you something." "Shoot" "OK. Did you also get an invitation to Derrick and Jasmine's wedding?" I asked as it got quiet for a minute. "Yeah I just got it a few days ago. I'm assuming you got yours as well?" He asked as I turned to look at Alexis. She just simply shrugged her shoulders. "Rob?" Malik said, snapping my attention back to my phone.

  "Ha yeah of course I did. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't the only one who got theirs." I said nervously laughing. I hope he can't tell I'm faking. "Oh ight cool. I was hoping to see you there." he said. "I'll be there. Let me just make sure I'm off that day. Thanks Malik." I said before hanging up the phone. "Wow. Looks like I'm the only one who hasn't gotten an invitation." I said to myself. "I'm sorry Rob." Alexis said before hugging me. If we're being honest, I actually forgot she was still here. I tried my best to mask my expression so she wouldn't see how hurt I was at the moment. "Uh, what day is the wedding?" I asked her. I really did pay to much attention to rest of the invitation after the first part. "Two weeks from now." she said lowly. 

  "Ah OK. Got it." I said as I gave her a smile. "Rob, are you sure your OK?" she asked giving me a look of concern. "Yeah I'm good Lex. He really moved on so there's nothing I can do. Though I will say that this marriage took me by surprise." I said as I shrugged my shoulders. "Uh, OK. I gotta hurry up and meet Antonio before he kills me." she said kissing my cheek as she left. Once that door close, I lie to you not, I broke down. "That was supposed to be us." I said as tears rushed down my face. My little crying session was quickly interrupted by an incoming Skype call. I quickly fixed my face before answering the call. "Wassup Markos." I said smiling. "Hey. You didn't call me yesterday. That's foul." he said pouting as I laughed. "I'm sorry, I was tired as hell after I got off work so I just went straight to sleep." I said as he just nodded his head. 

  "Don't do that to me." I said laughing. "I guess I'll give you a pass this time. Wassup with you?" he asked. "Oh  nothing much, been working as usual-" "and crying as well. Cut the bullshit Rob." he said cutting me off. "Your eyes are red as hell. So, what's really up?" he said as he adjusted his position. "Well I just found out my ex is getting married and that I wasn't invited." I said as I sighed. "The one you came here with? Why is bothering you that much?" he said as he looked at me. "Well we were engaged but I got hit by a car and caught amnesia. Long story short, our relationship was done once I got my memory back as he already had a girlfriend by then." "And you still love him." he said as I looked dead at him. "You still love him rob and that's why it's eating you up so much." he added. 

  "I could've told you that much when I kissed you and your reaction when he saw it. You looked like you just got caught cheating or something. It was funny to watch. How long ago was it when y'all broke up when you was here?" he asked. "3 weeks." "So a fairly fresh breakup. It's understandable why you still would have feelings for him then. Let me ask you something." he said as I nodded for him to continue. "Do you still love him?" he simply said. "Yes." I responded before I even let the question digest. "Damn. That was fast. Well then you know what you have to do then Rob." he said as I nodded. "Why didn't I meet you sooner?" I said as he laughed. "Is that a compliment?" he asked as I smiled. "Yeah. Things would've been so much different." I said as I sighed. "Sure would. You would've been in my arms." he said as I smiled. I must have the sauce. We spent the rest of the night talking about our day before hanging up and going to bed.

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