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"No need for a replacement or warranty"


  That dream felt so real. I had a dream that Derrick and Troy got into last night and that me and Derrick kissed last night. Like hell that would've happened. I was about to get out of bed when I felt this tight and heavy grip around my waist. I turned around and there was Derrick sleeping peacefully. He had a couple of cuts on his face but nothing to serious. Wait so that dream really happened? "Stop moving. Chill." he said with his eyes still closed. He's not woke that's for sure. I laid back and counted down the minutes before he actually woke up and freaked out. 

  A part of me was actually scared as hell. I don't want to be portrayed the desperate guy who chased after the straight guy. Plus I really don't want to lose him as a friend. He's a really good person. I'm literally over here having an internal meltdown while this nigga is over here sleeping without a care in the world. Worse case scenario, we fight then he proceeds to ruin a niggas character. I'm talking about getting me fired from my job, turning friends and family against me and allat other shit. Calm down rob, you could always kill him before that happens but then again, look at him. All sexy and shit, he knows it too. 

  He got some fucking nerve laying here with me when he ca be with somebody else. He not about to have me all salty and shit. Not today. "You're so damn cute when you're anxious." a deep voice said, scaring the shit outta me. I turned around to see the chocolate god himself smiling right at me. "Listen Derrick about last-" was all I could get out before he kissed me. He tasted like cinnamon. How sway how?! "I know what happened last night because I wanted it to." he said sending a chill down my spine. It's how he said that last part that turned me on. "You're not even-" "You right but there's something about you. Only you." he said finishing my sentence. I instantly got nervous again. I'm not used to guys being like this. I'm over here sweating and shit. 

  "Rob calm down." he said laughing. That's easy for him to say. I got out the bed so fast that he tripped trying to catch me. I ran right into the bathroom and started brushing my teeth while getting lost in my thoughts. This was just too much for me right now. "Can I talk to you?" he said knocking on the door. I don't know what it is about him but I'm so scared right now. I unlocked the door and tried to run past him but he caught me. If this was football, he more then likely would've clothes lined the fuck outta me. "Rob stop running away from me. I didn't do anything wrong." he begged me. You guys wouldn't understand. I'm really confused and nervous plus I really don't want to fall for an illusion. 

  He carried me into my living room as I literally cried the entire time. "Rob you gonna let me talk now?" he said irritated because I literally wasn't leaving him any room to say anything. He wiped my tears as I scooted away from him. "You're not gay. There's no way in hell you are. You're not setting me up. Fuck that!" I yelled as I looked at him. For some reason, I was more so pissed then anything else. I really don't want to get hurt by him. "Well can I at least say how I feel now that I've heard how you felt. Loud and clear at that." he said sounding a bit hurt. I'm sorry but I can not lie. "You're right, I'm not gay but that doesn't mean I don't have feelings for you. Only you though. Like I don't know what it is but I want to get to understand those feelings though." he said as he looked at me. 

  "I mean that's only if you'll let me because you seem hell bent on keeping me away from you and I get why you're doing it. You don't want to get hurt nor do you want to ruin our friendship and that's 100% understandable. You can't deny that there is something there in regards to your feelings for me. Even if it's the lightest bit. I felt you playing in my waves that day." he said calmly as all the color left my body. You might as well had call me Josh by how pale I was right now. "Look at me." he said as I didn't bother to do that. "Rob." he said softly as I still didn't budge. "God damn you sexy when you look like that." he mumbled as he pulled me close to him.  "can you please look at me?" he asked as I slowly looked at him. "There we go." he smiled as I instantly started crying. 

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