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I won't say it again.

Derrick POV

  As I watched Rob walked out the door and away from me, all I could do was breakdown.  He was right about me distancing myself when he mentioned Troy. It's just that the thought of losing him to that nigga dead ass was bothering. He was right I should've helped him remember by placing little hints here and there but after what the doctor told me, I thought it was better if I just let things run it's course. It's just that the more I heard him talking about Troy, the more I began to accept the fact that he just might not come back to me. I rubbed my thumb around the scrapes and dents of the ring. We've been through so much and the past year and a half and this was supposed to be our end goal.

  I pulled out my phone and called Malik. I hesitated at first because my home screen still had Rob's picture there, making the heart break even worse. "Wassup kid?" he asked as I paused.  I really didn't know what to say right now. "Hello? D? Yo!" he said. "It's Rob." was all I could manage to even say at the moment as another tear fell on the ring. "I'm on my way." he said before hanging up the call. I sat there replaying the conversation me and Rob had. I don't think he was being fair to me honestly. I was thrown out of my thoughts when I heard a knock at the door. I looked and saw that it was Malik. I opened the door to let em in. 

  "What's u- talk to me kid." he said as he saw my face. I took a deep breath before telling him everything, all the while my finger rubbed against the ring. "Wait a minute, D. Why the fuck did you tell him that you have needs?" he said as he rubbed his temples. "Because it was true. I mean should I have said that out loud? No but hell, I went roughly 6 months without sex waiting for him." "That's the thing, you was waiting FOR HIM. Don't you think he would've gave you that once he remembered who you was? You know Rob isn't stupid. He would've likely been in the same boat as you. No lie, that was the dumbest shit you could've said to him man." he said as I looked down. He was right and I knew that but it was what it was. I finished telling him the rest of the story as he sat there and listened.

  "Now that I've heard the full story, I'm not even gonna lie to you bro, I don't even know if you can repair things with him at this point. Y'all kissed, which should've gave you hope that he was coming around, only for you to push him further away and start a relationship with shorty. You treated him like shit for two months straights over YOUR guilt of being in said  relationship instead of just talking to him about your feelings. You should've discussed that the day after y'all kissed so that both of you would've had a clear understand of what was up first and foremost. He was right about you giving up because you would barley mention him. Even when I would ask you about him, you would just give me one worded replies." he said as I sighed. "It's just that I just didn't think he was actually gonna remember anytime soon. Plus he kept waving his relationship with Troy in my face. I couldn't deal with that."

  "What is it about Troy that seems to make you so insecure?" he said as I looked at him confused. Fuck he talking about? I guess he saw my facial expression because he clarified that statement. "I mean, every time his name is mentioned, you act weird. You're sitting here blaming your actions on him like the nigga made you do the things you did." he said. "It's not him, it's Rob. He's just apologetically him." I said as that was the best way I could describe it. "Let's be real, you wanted him to get with Troy. That way you wouldn't have no regrets about your fling with shorty." he said as I was starting to get annoyed. "Now you know I 'll be damned to give Rob up that easily?"

  "You did!" he yelled as I sat there. "That's your problem. You never told Rob anything. You just swept that shit under the rug. Then when realization hit yo ass you panicked. All of this shit could avoided all of this if you kept it one hundred with him. Now you sitting here looking like someone stole your heart." he said as I let that last part sink in. "All I'm going to say is this. Maybe time apart  is what y'all need. Especially you. You need to figure out who you want and if it's Rob, you're going to have to work your ass off to get him. Right now though, you need to be to yourself." he said as he got up to leave. After I heard the door close, I locked it and returned to back to the sofa. I picked up the ring and just stared at it. The day I gave him this was the happiest day of my life. After the accident though, I went through a range of emotions. The most prominent one being scared. 

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