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"I know you got the message"

Rob up there


  "Who would've thought that we would run into the people that were basically the source of insecurities?" Derrick said as we walked. "Small world but I have a bad feeling about this." I said before sighing. "Hey, hey you not about to do that. You got me. I'm right here. If something does happen, I got you. You know this." he said as he kissed me. "I know bu-" "What I say? No buts. Unless it's yours riding my face." he said as I bust out laughing. He play too damn much. "There we go. I made you laugh. Mission accomplished." he said smiling. 

"I love you so much." I said as I hugged him. "If you loved me, you would've kissed me." he laughed. I gave him what he asked for. I didn't even feel him pick me up and walk me over to a nearby ledge. "You are so damn slick." I said as he laughed. "You love it though." he said as I smiled. He didn't lie though. I really do like that shit. "C'mere" I said kissing him. "You taste so good." he said in between pecks. He finally stopped and looked at me. "What?" I said with my eyebrow raised. Had me thinking I really just did something wrong. 

  "Um I've been thinking about this for a minute." he started off. If this is bad news, a certain someone is catching this fade. "It better not be-" "Nah it's not babe chill." he said with a smile. " I just wanted to aske if you wanted to move in with me. I know it might be to early for mem to ask-" "Yes." I said smiling at him. U guess I caught him off guard because he still kept going. I just smiled at him. He's so handsome when he nervous. "Wait did you just say yes?" he asked when he finally realized my answer. I just nodded my head. "I love you so much." he said as he smothered me in kisses. I just laughed the entire time. "You look so amazing right now." he said as he stared at me. 

  Where we were sitting at, the sun was directly on me, causing my skin to glow just a little. While I was attractive, I was also hot as shit. "Thank you." I said as I pulled him in for a kiss. "I'm hungry." he mumbled against my lips. Something about his voice vibrating against my lips turned me on but I'm not gonna do this now. "What you want to eat?" I asked as I pulled back from him. "I don't anything to be honest. I really haven't been to the resturants around here so let's just look for one near us." he said as he pulled his phone. "While you're doing that, can we move from the sun? My face is kinda melting here." I said as he laughed at me. 

  "Hold on. Lemme get this picture." he said as he turned his camera on me. He took like 6 pictures, the last one being the best as the sun reflected off my eyes, highlighting them brown orbs I've been blessed with.  "Keeping that as my home screen." he said smiling to himself as I moved my half baked ass from the sun. I'm sure I'm a crisp golden brown now. "I found a nice place. Do you have specific dish in mind?" he asked me. "Oooooo Do they have teriyaki salmon? I've been craving that for months now!" I said hype as hell (A/N: Dead ass been craving this. Shout out to my cousin for satisfying that craving). "Yes they do. It's not expensive either." he said as I smiled. Look at God, out here blessing me. 

  I dusted myself off before standing in front of him. "You ready?" I asked as he laughed. "You mad greedy yo." he said as started to walk. "You love my greedy ass though so hush." I as I laughed. "I sure do." he said grabbed my ass. "You're a perv." I glared at him. "You know you liked it so shut up." he said. What did I do? I shut my ass right on up. "You a fool." he said as I laughed. Once we made it to the restaurant, he politely pulled out my chair. "Thank you." I said blushing. I forgot he said he isn't scared to show me off. "What's wrong? Why do you look so nervous?" he asked as he sat down. "Oh....nothing." I said sounding made nervous. I don't know what it is but something was getting to me. 

  "Look, I told you earlier, I'll show you off every chance I get. Even if it's the small things like that." he said smiling at me. "I don't deserve you sometimes." I said. "Yes you do. Shut up."he smiled at me. The waiter came and took our orders while we just stared at each other. "What?" I said laughing. "You just look so damn good. I can't admire what's mine?" he said with a sight head tilt. "Admire away baby boy. It's all yours anyway." I smiled at him. "That's what I want to hear." he said back. He's so cute lol. I was about to say something when the waiter came back with our food. We blessed our food before eating. "Can I have some?" I said looking at his food. 

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