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I just took her name and made that bitch an LLC.

Robert POV

  I woke up the next morning feeling a mix of emotions. I can't believe I caught the bouquet. It was random as hell too. I was just minding my business and then boom, a bundle of flowers landed in my cup. The funny thing was how hype everyone got when they noticed that I was the one who caught it. "Yes! My son is getting married next!" Alexis mom said as she ran up and hugged me. "Yes we've been hoping you were the one to catch it" "My boy!" "Lemme save this tux. Looks like imma be needing it again." were the other outbursts I heard. "Her family is funny as hell." I said to myself as I got up and went to do my morning hygiene. 

  Once I was finished, I walked back to my bed and just sat there and stared around the room. Does anyone else do this? Just sit there in a comfortable silence and take everything in? Just me? Ahh well OK. I grabbed my headphones and turned on Successful by Ariana Grande. "Yeah, it feels so good to be so young and have this fun and be successful, yeah. I'm so successful, yeah and, girl, you too, you are so young and beautiful and so successful, oh, woah, yeah" she sung as I swayed from side to side. I looked at the bouquet that was sitting in the vase as I smiled. I looked at Derrick sleeping and just nodded my head. I was in such a peaceful state of mind right now (A/N: I know that feeling all to well). 

  I was interrupted from my moment by my phone ringing. Only Alexis could do something like this. "Yes Mrs. Hughes?" I sung into the phone. "It's Bailey-Hughes negro but I've been knocking on your door for the past 10 minutes. Get dressed." she said as I laughed. I forgot that she said no matter what, she's keeping her last name. Welp lemme get dressed now. I threw something on as I walked to the door. "How the hell you still look good even when you just throw something on? It's not fair" she said as I laughed. "Stop hyping me up." I said I as I laughed. "I'm so serious though." she said as I closed the door. "Where are we going?" I said once we started walking. "To relax. Shush and let's walk." she said as we continued walking. 

  "Our spot is right there." she said as we walked down the steps:   

" she said as we walked down the steps:   

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  "This place is so beautiful." I said as we continued to walk. Once we made it to the chairs, Alexis took of her skirt and walked to the pool. "Take my picture." she said as she handed me her phone. I took a bunch of pictures cuz you know, she's never satisfied with just one. She wasted no time flashing her ring too. "You getting in?" she said as I nodded my head. Good thing something told me to throw on these trunks. We took a few selfies before getting in the water. Of course we took a bunch of slo mos of us getting out of the water, thirst trap for the win. Only thing is, only one of us could freely post the video without having to ask for permission.

 She sent Antonio the video first before he OK'd her uploading the picture. "Y'all are so cute." I said as I smiled at her. "Yo shut up." she said blushing. Happiness looks so good on her. "Rob can I be real with you for a moment?" she said as her face got serious. "Uh sure OK." I said nervously. "Walking down that isle was a bit bittersweet for me. Don't get me wrong, I was happy as hell to make my dream become a reality but I couldn't bare to look at you as you were one of the reasons why I was crying." she said as she started to sniffle. "Wait what's wrong? What did I do?" I said confused. "Just looking at you standing there happy as hell with Derrick smiling at me reminded me that you was supposed to be next. We talked about how after I got married, you'd be up next. Remember we swore that to each other?"

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