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"Lonely, Lonely, Lonely night."

Derrick up there. 

Derrick POV

  "My boy finally go himself a good one! Bout time you locked em down." Malik said as I laughed. "You a cold fool. Leave me and my baby alone. I been was ready, that was all him." I said as we both laughed. "Y'all not about to come for my best friend and he's not here to defend himself. Derrick you know he would kill you right now for even agreeing." Alexis said as I smiled at her. "Yeah you right. Kill me isn't the word. Speaking of him, has anyone seen him?" I said as I looked around. I haven't spotted him or even heard him since he asked for the keys. 

  "I'll go look in the bathroom." Malik said as I nodded my head. "He's probably wiping his face since you made him cry so much." Alexis said as I laughed. "My bad. I really had to lock him down though." I said shrugging my shoulders. "Aye you don't have to explain anything to me. I just want to say thank you for finally making him genuinely happy." she said as she hugged me. "No problem-" "Derrick!" Malik said running towards us. "What's up?" I asked him confused. He looked like something scared the shit outta of him. "It's Rob-" was all I heard as I bolted out the door. I went outside to see Rob laid out on the ground. Panic and worry instantly took control of my body.

  "Rob! Rob! Baby wake up please!" I said as ran over to him and tried to wake him. I saw that blood was trickling down the side of his mouth. "Baby please. I can't lose you. Call the ambulance!" I yelled as people started to come outside to see what was going on. "Call them. Please." I said weakly as I looked at him. I just want him to be OK. "They're on their way." Malik said still on the phone with them. "Baby...." I said as a tears fell down my face. I really don't know what to do right now. It's like we can never be happy for too long. Just seeing him like that this is killing me. I haven't felt this defenseless since the night he got jumped. 

  I entangled my hand in his as I cradled the rest of his body. In the distance, I could faintly hear sirens but all my mind was focused on right now was Rob. He still wasn't moving. Dear God, please don't take my baby away from. I take back every wrong thing I have done. I just don't want him to go. Please God. Please. More tears streamed down my face as the emt's ran over to him. "Derrick you have to let him go so they can do their job." Alexis said as held my shoulder. I couldn't even bare to look at her right now. "I don't want him to die Lex. I don't." I said as I held him. "Well right now might be that way if you don't let them do what they can." she said as I sighed before finally letting him go. 

  They hooked him up to AED device in began to resuscitate him. My head went right back to the spot that I found him in. I just stared at like I was expecting time to reverse or selfish of me to say but this being someone else. This was supposed to be the happiest day for the both of us. "Derick! He's still here. Look!" Alexis said pointing to him. "We got a pulse." they said as I began to load him on the stretcher. I jumped my ass up so fast. I have to go with him. No one objected as we pulled off. My eyes never left him either. "I lo...ve.. y...ou" I said as I looked up and saw him faintly look at me. "I love you so much. I need you to save your strength OK?" I said as he shook his head no. "No. De....ri..ck. I ne..ver. sa...id I  lo.ve y...ou fir...st. I ju..st w..ant y...ou to k..now th..at." he sid weakly as I held his hand. 

  "Baby you didn't have too. I always knew it." I said as I smiled at him. "I told you that you're hardheaded. Now stop talking and rest up for me." I said as I rubbed the ring on his finger. In a few minutes, we were at the hospital. I tried to go into the emergency room with them but they stopped me. "Bring him back." I said to the doctor before turning around and going to the waiting room. I got a few text messages and calls but I really wasn't worried about any of that right now. The only thing that matters to me is that person in the other room. Seconds turned to minutes which turned into hours,but I was still waiting. I finally caved in and turned my phone back on, only for it to be flooded with texts and calls.

  Once it finally calmed down, I texted Alexis the hospital information before cutting my phone back off. She can do whatever she wants after that. After about another 15 mins, I saw her and everyone else walking in. From the look on my face, they knew not to bombard me with questions. "How is he?" Alexis said. "I don't know. He's been in there for about 5 and a half hours now." I said twiddling my fingers. "He'll OK. He's a fighter." she said as she laid her head on my shoulder. It was almost like she was trying to convince herself more so then me. After about another 30 minutes, I damn near fell asleep. "Family of Robert Michaels?" the doctor said as I stood up. 

  Here goes nothing. "I just wanted to let you know that the surgery was a success. He had bruising on both hemispheres of his brain along with some cracked ribs and a broken right leg." he said as I let put a sigh of relief tried to digest everything he was saying. "Once the surgery was finished, he seemed to have slipped into a coma." he finished as everyone gasped."How soon will it be until he wakes up?" Alexis asked him. "It could days, weeks or maybe even months from now. It all depends on him. I'm sorry." he said. "Thank you so much for all of your help. Can I at least see him?" I asked as he nodded his head. "Sure thing. The nurse will guide you to the room. 

  As soon as we made it to the room, my heart broke again. Seeing him connected to all those tubes as well as his leg being hoisted up was killing me. "Baby I'm so sorry." I said as I pulled up a chair next to him. Everyone else was saying random things to him but I really paying that any mind. All that matter was him and only him. I grabbed his hand again as I stared at his now semi swollen face. "Come back to me. Please."

  Rob POV      

  It feels like I've been falling forever. I don't even know what happened. Wait never mind, I  remembered getting hit by a car and that's it. I landed on this hard surface. "Sheesh you could've gave me a pillow or something. Damn near broke my leg." I muttered. I looked around and saw that I was in this beautiful grassy plain. That's not all, there were 2 other boys here. "Hey. You guys wouldn't happen to know the way out of here by any chance?" I asked them. "Sorry but I'm afraid not." one said to me. "We got here just like you did. Falling for what feels like forever and then bam, we're here." the other one said. 

  "That sucks." I said as I blew a breath. "Tell me about it. What was the last thing you remembered?" the first boy asked me. "Getting hit by a car." I said. "Same here." the second one said. "How about you? I asked the first. "I'm not quite sure. I think I got jumped or something like that." he said shrugging his shoulders. That's kinda weird and scary. We spent the next few minutes getting to know each other. These two had some pretty scary lives. "We're not dead just in case you were wondering." The first guy laughed. "We're not?" I asked with my eye brow raised as he shook his head no. "In fact we're in the spirit plane. Think of it as middle ground." he said. 

  "How would you know this?" I asked him. "This isn't my first time coming here. The very first time for me was back when I was a baby. Heart stopped and I was here. Of course at that time, I didn't know what 'here' was. Now it all makes sense." he said as I nodded my head. Wow. "So how do we get out of here? I kinda have a boyfriend I want to see." I asked as he shrugged his shoulders. "I miss my baby." the second guy said. "I hope he didn't do anything stupid." the first one said. "So both of you are?" "Yup" the both said at the same time. Sweet. I just hope we can run into each other in the real world. 

  Right as I was about to say something, a strange light appeared. From that light, two doors emerged. "I don't know what it is but I feel compelled to go to that door." the first guy said. "Same here. It's weird but it doesn't feel like it's a bad feeling." the second guy said. I don't know what they was feeling but I damn sure was feeling anything from either door.  They got up and walked to the doors. I wanted to stop them but it wasn't like they were going to listen to me. "Wait I didn't catch your names!" I yelled to them. They both pointed to the top of the doors before smiling and going through them.

  Alex and Reese.

  After that, the doors completely disappeared and I was now by myself. "I just want to go home." I said as I pulled my knees to my chest and cried.

Gonna stop here. Just want to see if I still got it.




This should hold you over ;)

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