Chapter 1: Done with high school

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Walle's point of view

It's the last day of high school, few more months there and my parents were going to lose their only kid due to stress. Everyone getting there yearbook sighed, I made a few failed attempts to get Emma's number and in the end got successful, Carl losing his emotions and now I can see those tears shine in his eyes, just moments away to fall of his lousy face, was really delighted to find out he lost his Mr. Wiggins, or else who knows that thing would haunt me even in college.

Carl: (weeping)

Walle: "grow up Carla"

Carl: "hey dude! Sss ss cut it out''

Walle: "ha cut what out, your drama ''

Carl: "hey but it's the last day of the high school''

Walle: "well da! It's the last day of the high school you're the only one making this look as if it's the last day of your life''

Ben: ''Heyyy! Dude ''

Walle: "yo! What up dude, you look fresh, I thought we join this thing together"

Ben: "ha! It's the last day what you expect me to look like a zombie with no shave "

Walle: that would be awesome and interesting at the same time"

Ben: "hahahah"

Walle: "guess what! Who finally signed my year book?"

Ben: yahh! No she didn't!

Walle: "yes she did "

Ben: "Emma heart signed your year book?"

Walle; "and she gave me her number"

Ben: "WOW! We guys are making history"

Walle: "wait "WE"?"

Ben: "Her best friend ...

Walle: stephh ... ahh Stacy

Ben: "ya Stacy she sighed my year book, with all the X and the O near her number"

Walle: "finally something good happened eventually in the high school"

Ben: "It sure did!"

Walle: "maybe it's a sign of good start"

Ben: ''wanna come at my place, I am about to complete the enchanted 4''

Walle: "Nah... not today mom's been sick it's been a rough week for us , she has taken off from work and dad's been working late as well"

Ben: ''ohh ... well I wish her a speedy recovery, and see ya soon''

Walle: ya , see ya soon .

Author's point of view

Walle had back home on his old bicycle making a ranting sound all along the way, he felt the cold and dry air around him roaring and gushing by his ears giving him a glimpse of the late November and the burning amber nearby giving a looming fragrance to this short journey to home,

He reached his home, throws the bike at the gate, jumps in from the back window into the living room, noticing the TV which was on and the volume was up , loud enough that his mother can hear it in to her kitchen like a radio,

A normal thing that she usually do, well this helped Walle to sneak in from the hallway and into the kitchen unnoticed, he can hear his mother moving the dishes around , as she was cooking his favorite dish spaghetti and meatballs and the hallway was filled with the exotic aroma of the food that was getting ready.

He jumped into the kitchen with a loud and thundering voice ...


He notice there was no one in the kitchen, he got shocked and starts to call out for her, as he was sure he definitely heard someone in the kitchen, he keeps on coming forward into the kitchen with the same shocked impression on his face, he pauses near the counter as he noticed that the meatballs were actually frying on a low flame ...

Allison: "BHOO... gotcha there ...!"

Walle: "Wah Ahhh! ... MOM!"

Allison; "ah hahhahaha I finally got you this time for good"

Walle: "mom stop it, that was not funny"

Allison: "I am pretty sure that was not funny, because I know that was hilllarrriooous haha"

Walle: "cut it out will ya, you scared the crap outta me"

Allison: "Well now you know it, how I feel, every time you prank me around the house,"

Walle: "Ha well you got me now ahahha,"

Allison: "so how was your last day at the high school?"

Walle: "pretty awesome as it was ...

Allison: "the last day, I got it"

Walle: "and how you feeling now?"

Allison: "I am feeling better now,"

Walle: "come on you always say that, what did the doc said,"

Allison: "Doc said I'll be fine as long as your son don't annoys you"

Walle: "MOM mm!"

Allison: "ah haha ok, ok ya I feel better now, I feel better every time when I see you, doing great"

Now Allison steps away from the stove and putting up the dishes on to the counter,

Allison: "now who is hungry?"

Walle: "what you got there"

Allison: "Spaghetti and meatball this time with a new twist"

Walle: A twist?"

Allison: "ya I tried doing something different this time"

Walle: "why would you do something new when the old one is delicious?"

Allison: "well I got bored doing the same thing over and over again, so this time I tried to be creative,"

Walle: "Hum sounds good to me, yummy it's great, wait what is that, cheese! Nice looks like you finally getting a hung of it,"

Allison: "ya if I am staying at home I got to make myself useful, I get bored staying all day at home"

Walle: ya dads been working hard as well, he told me he got the part time at the UBER.

Allison: "I feel bad for your dad, that I can't help him due to this sickness"

Walle: "ya, because you are feeling well,"

Allison: "Ha... ya and now you are finally getting in college, so I assume you will start something of your own also to help your parents won't you?"

Walle: "ya totally! I was thinking of a YouTube cannel"

Allison: well ya that can do but I was actually thinking if you get an actual job like part-time at chucky cheese or at the bowling alley"

Walle: "Ya, Ya mom sure I can try, I can do it for you,

Allison: "now that's a grown up man taking some responsibility, I am so proud of you, I will always be,"

Walle: thanks mom, ok I am going to my room,

Allison: I'll be going to an appointment, your dad is going to be at home till noon,

Walle: Okayy! (From a distance)

Allison got busy in the chorus, while Walle go back to his room and rest until the noon.

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