As he got closer, I noticed he removed his shirt. I calculated it closely, and as soon as he was close enough I lunged my foot to his gut and the other to his face. That would have gone perfectly, if he didn’t already anticipate my moves and pull me down by my legs. Before I even regained complete consciousness after being yanked like that, his body was placed on top of mine. I wriggled, only inflicting pain on myself because he was too tight. There was literally no space between us except for by our faces- and even that was minimal. If I wasn’t in a secluded area, I would scream. But no one would hear me.

“I hate that they turned my baby girl against me.” I felt him switch both of my hands into one of his. He used the free hand caress my face, eventually going down my sides and to my stomach. He gripped the hem of my shirt, bawling it in his hands and raising it above me. “Lift up.”

            I spit it his face. “You are a disgusting excuse for a man!” As soon as the last syllable escaped my lips, I felt the sharp sting of his hand on my face. It continued, and continued, until I could barely open my own eyes- not from pain, but from the regret of ever doing it.

“Now do what I told you too!” I reluctantly obliged, though my mind was still on what I could do next to piss him off. I felt bare without my shirt, and though his body kept me warm, I would rather be cold if it meant him being away from me. He removed my pants, never letting go of my hands, and leaving me in nothing but a bra and underwear.

“How can you do this to your own daughter?” I asked, just barely over a whisper so he could hear. I could already tell I didn’t have the strength to continue with this. Not at all. I was weak, and he knew that.

“Because it’s right.” Using a pocket knife, my panties were gone. It was then two things happened: I crossed my legs, swearing to myself only God himself could move them, and my phone vibrated in the pocket of my pants form where they were on my floor.

            Up until now, I completely forgot about Calvin’s impending arrival back. At the same time, I was scared for him. This…monster…had a knife, what else did he have? Did he also have a gun? Did he plan on using that to assure his will being done?

            That scared me.

“Please...please don’t do this.” I begged, writhing again though I’m sure I moved nowhere at all.

“Beg all you want, Desiree. This could have been done so much easier if you weren’t so weak and let people get in your mind.”

“No, it would have been easier if you never did it in the first place! You shouldn’t of left them anything to fix!”

“Well, talking is doing nothing, and this attempt to keep your legs isn’t either.”

“No.” I used every muscle in me to focus on my legs.

“Okay…” He sighed, placing two hands on either side of my legs. After countless minutes of an attempt to pull them apart, he went to the next resort: the knife. He placed it delicately on the side of my legs. “One more chance.”

“I hope you burn in hell.”

            The knife pierced through the side of my leg, making me yell out completely. All my energy seemed to come back in this yell. All of my energy to writhe, and not move anymore. He dragged it down more, until my legs weakened from the pain. He took this as an opportunity to pry them apart, moving himself in between the. I could feel his penis at my entrance, and that made me break into sobs. It made my throat begin to squeeze together, and my ceiling looked like a kaleidoscope of colors. And then three thing happened: I felt him piercing me, the worst pain I could think of in my head as I screamed as if I was dying- because a part of me was; my bedroom door was busted down; and he was grabbed off of me.

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