Step Ten :Who Am I

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Dedicated to : CharlieLovesAll for her super long comment that made me post this super early!!!

And a note : All poems in this story are 100% made by me, because its my second talent! All songs Desiree "sings" are from other artist (Mainly Demi Lovato because that's how Lyric's voice is suppose to sound majority of the time unless a cover is used in the multimedia section) BUT RECENTLY AS OF 7/26/2014 I've changed all titles, and if the lyrics are used the actual artist will be addressed at the end of the chapter and again at the end of the book.

Enjoy the story! Comment PLEASE! vote PLEASE! Share PLEASE! Fan PLEASE!!


Poem # 2

Just because you know my walk, doesn't mean you know my path

Just because you know my story, doesn't mean you know my experience

My emotions are like Casper, always hidden in the unknown

A smile doesn't mean I'm happy

A laugh isn't always funny

My tears don't mean I'm angry

But I'm sure I could flood a River Valley

No one really knows my pain

They can sympathize but never empathize

They're on the opposite end of a two-sided glass

They push and pull only letting me go to break

And then there’s nothing left, but shards of a mirror

I can see glimpses but no real reflection

I can see my old-self staring back at me

But now...I don't even know me

Journal # 3

There are so many people in this world today who feel like they're not accepted. Whether it’s based on looks or intellect there always seems to be a problem with them. If you’re pretty, you're a whore. If you're ugly, you'll accomplish nothing in life. If you're smart, you’re conceited. If you're dumb, you must be raised in the hood.

What is ugly? What is being dumb?

Ugly is supposedly to be unattractive and dumb is the lack of knowledge but who decides that? You? Me? Society?

If not, who?

Who can say another is unattractive? The factor of being attractive is by how many flaws you have, appearance wise, and who is to say they are flaws?Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and in God's eyes no one is ugly because he makes no mistakes. In my eyes no one is ugly. We are all made on this Earth with the most careful of hands and considerate minds. Is it the media? The ones telling us we aren't good enough or will never be good enough or look good enough or be smart enough.

Who can say another is unintelligent? They may not be able to recite Math Equations or the Quantum Physics Numbers but they may know hot to walk down the neighborhood and not get shot. They may know how to talk without upsetting anyone.  They may have ideas on how to change the world but no steps in doing so. So can't you be Street Smart instead of Book Smart? But what really is Book Smart? You can be good in Science and bad in Math or an expert at Engineering and less-knowledgeable on Gardening.

That's the issue. No one truly knows what these words are supposed to be but they only perceive what the public eye can see. They see someone struggling here and label them, instead of getting to know the person inside. This makes the person feel unacceptable and less than worthy. People can scream and shout that they're a jewel, or a star in the night sky, but what's one piece of encouragement versus an entire world of downgrading?

Maybe if we were in the others shoes...Maybe if we thought before we acted...Maybe if we saw the blood trickling in their hearts.


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