Hazel looked at him with an are-you-kidding-me stare. "Did you have any experiences where you didn't almost die?"

"Um, yeah, when I was, like, 5." Percy scratched the back of his neck sheepishly. "It doesn't matter. This time will be fun, I'm sure."

"Don't speak too soon," Piper warned him over her shoulder. "Do you not remember the last time we went to a beach?"

The eight of them stopped as they recalled the sea serpent that nearly killed them all.

"It was supposed to be extinct," Percy said defensively.

The argument continued until they were all settled into the car. Frank was driving, while Annabeth sat shotgun as the navigator. Hazel, Piper and Calypso sat in the middle row, while Leo, Percy and Jason sat in the backseat.

Since there wasn't a lot of boot space, the backseat was cluttered with floats, which meant that the three boys were stuck in awkward positions for the rest of the 2-hour drive.

"Take a turn right," Annabeth instructed Frank, her eyes on the unfolded map in her lap.

Leo reached an arm into the middle row and tapped Piper on the shoulder. "Pipes, turn on the radio, I want some music!"

"Later," Annabeth called back. "We need to get on the main road first."

"I'm bored," Leo groaned.

Calypso pressed her face against the window as she tried to push away her motion sickness. It probably wasn't the best idea to stick 6 ADHD demigods in an enclosed, moving vehicle for 2 hours.

In order to get to the beach in the least time possible, Annabeth had only scheduled one rest stop, after the first hour. They stopped at a Stop & Shop for lunch and a chance to stretch their legs.

Everyone got a sandwich and a breath of fresh air, but Calypso nearly teared up when she was forced to get back into the stuffy car.

"Now, the radio!" Leo pleaded as he climbed into the backseat.

"Fine, fine, fine." Annabeth turned the knob up on the volume as Frank revved up the engine.

"She got her head in the clouds, and she's not backing down."

Frank promptly released the wheel and shut the radio off.

"THIS GIRL IS ON-" Leo paused his screaming. "Wait, Frank!"

"Not a chance," Frank warned him.

"But I'm bored."

"Do something else." Annabeth peered around her seat and glared at him.

"Okay, I have a riddle!" Percy announced. "What goes up but never comes down?"

The car fell silent except for the thrum of the engine as they cruised down the road.

"The number of mistakes you make on a daily basis?" Annabeth guessed.

Percy glared at her, but then hummed thoughtfully. "I was going to say age, but that works too."

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