#37 - A Goode Surprise

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Chapter 37 - A Goode Surprise
published: Monday, 5 August 2019

Whispers circled around the cafeteria as Percy took his usual seat in the Goode High School cafeteria.

He was used to the whispers. They had been a daily occurrence since school had started a week ago. It was a great start to his senior year.

Percy dug into his unappetising steak as he glanced at the table where the "popular" kids sat. His old friends Layla and Jonathan seemed to have joined the group that they used to hate so much.

Percy remembered sophomore year, where he would sit with Layla, Jonathan and Rachel at lunch and mock the "popular" kids for their skimpy clothing and bullying.

Percy supposed he couldn't really blame them for finding new friends. Rachel had since gone off to Clarion Ladies Academy in Connecticut, and Percy had disappeared for a year to fight Gaia.

Percy pulled out his Science textbook and homework. He'd made it his goal to finish high school and attain a respectable score in his SATs, and hopefully get into a good college. It was the least he could do for his mother after all he'd put her through.

But Percy was starting to remember how bad high school was. He missed his friends at Camp Half-Blood, he missed his friends on the Argo II, and he missed his demigod life.

Just staring at his Biology textbook made his head spin, and Percy shut it with a frustrated sigh.

Homework was also a pain. The words rearranged themselves in his head, utterly confusing him, and most of the work was too difficult for him to do.

Paul tried his best to help Percy, but he was an English teacher, not Maths or Science.

Fortunately for Percy, it was Friday. Which meant it was the weekend. Which meant that he could spend time with Paul, his mum, and his unborn sister Estelle who was due for March.

The rest of the day flew by, and so did the weekend.

And that simply brought Percy back to Monday, and another week of school.

The day started simply enough. Percy stood by his locker as he mentally went over the lessons he had and filled his rucksack with the books he needed.

His locker was mostly empty, since he'd just gotten it, apart from a picture of his family — to motivate him.

A resounding chiming of bells signalled the start of first period.

For Percy, that meant Geometry with Mr Holland.

Percy sighed and closed his locker.

He let out a yelp of surprise as the locker door swung shut to reveal someone standing beside him.

More specifically, Amara, one of the "popular" girls. She had her black hair in braids, and her dark complexion was smooth and free of blemishes. Today, she was wearing jeans and a tank top.

"Hi, Percy," she said in a friendly tone.

Percy waved awkwardly to her. He didn't really know Amara, but she seemed nice enough and sat with him in the classes they had together.

"Good morning," he said hesitantly. "Do you have Geometry too?"

Amara nodded enthusiastically. "Want to sit together?"

Percy shrugged. He needed help with the work anyway. "Sure."

They headed to class in silence. Every time Percy tried to initiate conversation, she simply nodded or gave short answers.

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