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Imma spam cute fanart at the end of chapter/cr. to owners/not mingkit fanart but just mpreg fanart, if you have some you wanna send me please send to thebookcrue@gmail.com

Kit's POV. - september 20th, 2014 - Scared to tell them. (Kit's 4 months pregnant)

Well, today's the day. Ming and I planned on telling the others today during lunch since it's been about 4 months and it's pretty obvious that I'm starting to show a lot since I'm a naturally small person it's kinda obvious i'm pregnant now, thank god no one has asked why I've been wearing only Ming's shirts and hoodies. 

"How are you feeling?" Ming asked bringing me some food while we wait for PhaYo and ForthBeam to show up. 

"Tired, kinda scared," I yawned a bit since I was very tired from class. 

"It'll be ok babe, don't worry too much, ok?" Ming said and hugged me trying to calm me down. 

I nodded and laid my head on his shoulder nearly falling asleep. 

"So what's up with you guys?" Forth asked sitting down next to me with Beam on his lap. PhaYo were sitting next to them. 

"Babe, you wanna tell them?" Ming asked while I was eating 

"You can tell them," I mumbled while I was eating not really caring how we told them, I mainly cared about how they reacted to it. 

"Can we guess first?" Yo asked

"Sure," Ming smiled and pulled me closer to him with an arm around my waist. 

"are you getting married?" Yo asked, 

Ming and I just kinda laughed, 

"No, too soon," I answered. 

"hm, are you getting a puppy?" Beam asked

"Nope, the dorms won't let us," Ming replied. 

"I give up, just tell us," Yo whined. 

Ming looked down at me silently asking me if he should tell them now, I nodded and leaned on him a bit more while holding his hand, 

"So, how do you guys feel about being uncles?" Ming asked the 4 of them, I just smiled and waited to see if they understood what Ming was hinting at. 

Pha gasped, Yo's jaw dropped, Beam looked at me confused, and Forth looked down to my stomach trying to see the bump to believe what Ming just said. 

"Serious?" Beam/Pha asked us and came over to sit next to me, 

I nodded, "I'm pregnant," I smiled while Pha and Beam hugged me. Considering they're my best friends they were extremely happy for me. 

"How far along?" Forth asked, 

"4 1/2 months," Ming replied for me since I was still talking to Pha and Beam. 

"And you're just now telling us?!" Beam was kind of hurt by it, so I explained that we didn't wanna say anything until we knew we wouldn't lose the baby early on and make everyone sad and pity us for it and stuff. 

They nodded and understood that then started asking if we knew the gender yet, if we've picked out names, what we hope the baby will be, how many we're having, etc...

"No, we don't know the gender, I have a few names picked out, I want the baby to be a boy, and I seriously hope there is only one," I said, Ming nodded agreeing but he said that he wanted twins instead of just one baby, I said no to that, hell no. 

"We'll find out tomorrow how many for sure are in there," Ming said putting his arm around my waist kind of on the small bump. I smiled and leaned on him, everyone else smiled and teased us for how cute we were. 

"is that why you've been wearing his shirts?" Yo asked as he ate the pizza we all ordered for lunch. I nodded and kept eating, 

"No wonder why Ming always tells me to stay at Beam's dorm most of the time, you guys were trying to hide it till you found the right time to tell us," Forth said, Ming and I nodded, 

"You don't mind though, you basically live in my room anyway," Beam said with a mouth full of pizza. Forth nodded agreeing with his boyfriend, 

"So, any plans to get married then?" Beam asked 

Ming and I both said 'No' at the same time, 

"We're just taking things slow right now," Ming said, 

"Minus the fact that we've been dating for 8 months and i'm pregnant," I said and went back to eating since I was super hungry, eh, it's just cause I have to 'eat for two' now as Ming says. 

"Take your time, just know that the 4 of us will be silently planning your wedding until then," Yo said making all of us laugh but we all agreed that would be happening. 

I'm happy that they took it really well and that they weren't mad or weird out in any way. 

- at home laying in bed a few hours after lunch - 

"What?" I looked up at Ming who was looking down at me smiling with his hand on the bump. 

"I'm just happy," Ming smiled and kissed the top of my head, 

"What about?" I asked cuddling up closer to him since it was getting colder in the dorm, the school doesnt turn the heaters on till late October almost November so it's freezing most of the time in here.  

"Everything," Ming was being cheessy today, it was stupid, but funny, and also adorable. 

I really do love him, he's the best thing that's ever happened to me. 

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