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Kit's POV. - February 15th, 2014 - back to school, STRESSED OUT

I hate school. I say it every day but it's true. I'm also extremely tired, my teachers changed my class times so now my classes start at 5 am, 7 am, and 4 pm. Which fucking sucks. I have to wake up at 3 am now. fuck me... not literally please...

"Kitty, why are you up so early?" Ming mumbled as I sat up in bed accidentally waking him up.

"I have to leave for class at 4," I said laying back down with my head on his chest.

"Seriously?" Ming thought that was way too early for class, I nodded and hugged him more.

"Want me to make you breakfast?" He asked kissing the top of my head

"You don't have to," I said while yawning.

"What time are you getting home?" Ming asked

"Around 6 pm," I mumbled

"Will you eat in between classes?" Ming asked making me look up at him,

"Probably not," I said looking away from him

"Then I need to make sure you eat something now," Ming kissed me and then got up and went to the kitchen to cook breakfast

I just sighed and got up to take a shower and get ready for school.

"Ming! Can you bring me my hoodie please?" I yelled from the bathroom, I didn't wanna walk out there shirtless even if it is only Ming and I here right now, Forth is with Beam at his Dad's house for the week.

"Yeah," he yelled back and then knocked on the door before opening it.

"Here ya go, its one of mine," Ming smiled and then left to finish breakfast.

I came out of the bathroom a few minutes later and laid on the bed again waiting for Ming to finish cooking. 

"You alright baby?" Ming asked setting a tray of food on my desk. 

"Yeah, I'm just tired," I said getting up and eating a little bit. 

"Why are your classes so early?" 

"I don't know," I sighed and kept eating nearly falling asleep. 

Ming just smiled and hugged me and then kept eating with me before I had to leave. 

- Last class of the day - 

"Kit! wake up! stop sleeping in my class." My 4th teacher yelled at me for the 2nd time today. 

"Sorry my classes started at 5 am today," I mumbled and continued working on my notes, and then I fell asleep again. 

- 3rd person pov. -

"Does anyone know someone who could take him back to his dorm? he's clearly not gonna wake up anytime soon," The teacher asked the class while pointing at Kit. 

"I'll text his boyfriend," Pha said, he happened to have the same class as Kit today. He texted Ming and let the teacher know he was on his way. 

Ming came in a few minutes later and Pha helped him carry Kit out to his car. 

"What time did he wake up?" Pha asked, 

"3 am," Ming sighed and made sure Kit was buckled before closing the door and putting his bag in the back seat. 

"That's probably why he's so tired, he's got a slight fever too," Pha said since he noticed Kit was really warm earlier. 

Ming nodded and waved bye to Pha before going back to the dorms with Kit.

- Back to Kit's pov. - 

I woke up feeling like absolute shit. My head hurts, my stomach hurts, just everything hurts and I don't feel well at all. 

"Kit, how are you feeling?" Ming asked as soon as I woke up, 

"Like shit," I mumbled rubbing my eyes and looking over at him. 

Ming came over and checked to see if I had a fever still, judging by the look on his face I did.

"You need to eat something, and take some medicine," Ming said as he started to get up off the bed to cook but I just whined and hugged him more. 

"Hm?" Ming put his arm around me rubbing my back, 

"I just want to lay here with you," I mumbled smiling a bit and starting to fall asleep again. 

"Alright, a few more minutes then you have to get up and eat ok?" He said kissing my cheek. 

I nodded and fell asleep after I moved away from him and coughed a bit. 

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