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- KIT'S POV. - January 27th, 2014 -

We didn't have school today (some teacher holiday) so I've been asleep most of the day, or at least tried to sleep, Beam came over to spend some time with Forth and Ming invited Yo over, so there's a lot of people in this really small dorm room. Ming woke me up and moved me to the top bunk (Forth's bed) so I could sleep more and not be annoyed by all of them.

"P'Kit, wake up," Yo woke me up a few hours later, Forth and Beam had left already so it was just Yo, Ming, and I.

"Hm?" I didn't bother to open my eyes but I turned to face Yo.

"Your phone's ringing," Yo said handing me my phone.

I took it and answered it before laying back down again. As soon as I heard yelling on the other end I hung up and threw my phone onto my bed, almost hitting Ming in the head but he moved out of the way right before it could hit him.

"Your parents?" Yo asked

I just gave him a thumbs up before laying down and hiding away in the mini blanket fort I had made up here.

"Wanna go out with us for lunch?" Ming asked

"I guess," I sighed, wrapped myself up in a blanket and went to my closet to get dressed.

"You're bringing the blanket?" Yo asked

I nodded, it was the only thing keeping me from either yelling at them for no reason or just breaking down and crying, having my black fluffy blanket around me keeps me calm enough that I can be a decent human for a few hours. It's weird, but that's just how I've been my entire life.

"You're mad?" Ming asked

I nodded and followed them to Ming's car. I wasn't in a good mood today, I just wanted to sleep and ignore everyone for a few hours but I needed food so I went with Ming and Yo.

"So, Pha ask you out yet?" Ming asked Yo while I was trying to sleep in the backseat.

"Nope," Yo said as he got a text from Pha

"Never mind, he just did" Yo was smiling and texting Pha.

I just rolled my eyes and acted asleep every time one of them looked at me to see if I was awake.

"Kit, we're here," Ming woke me up a few minutes after we got to the restaurant, I just covered my face with the blanket and kept sleeping.

"P'kit," Ming kept trying to wake me up

"What?" I finally woke up and looked at him.

"We're here," Ming smiled and helped me out of the car
I just wrapped my blanket around me and followed Ming into the restaurant.

- after lunch -

"Kit what's wrong?" Ming asked as we were walking up the stairs to our room.

"It's nothing Ming I'm fine," I said laying on my bed, I'm just really tired, pissed off, and I wanna be left alone, but I can't do any of that with Ming worried about me.

"It's not nothing, what's wrong? You can tell me," Ming sat next to me and put a hand on my back.

I just kinda gave him this cold stare saying 'go away/ I don't wanna talk' he understood that I didn't wanna talk and just got up and went to finish his homework before class tomorrow.
I don't want to be rude to him. I can see how much it affects him, but that's just how I am, I don't know how else to act around him without messing everything up, or bringing up my problems, or that I think I'm slowly falling for him,

Is this love? or do I just like having him around?

~ Kit

What Is Love? - MingKitOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora