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Kit's POV. - May 28th, 2014 - finding out officially 

"Kit, you going to school today?" Beam asked as he was waiting for Forth to come out of the shower. I shook my head no. 

"No, I have a doctor's appointment," I said as I sat up a bit in bed so I could eat breakfast. 

Beam nodded and assumed it was about how sick I've been and to see if I'm getting any better. 

- couple hours later - 

"Babe," Ming tried to wake me up, I had fallen asleep while Ming was driving to the doctor's office. I whined a bit and kept sleeping, Ming smiled and picked me up and carried me inside. The doctors rushed over to him thinking I was injured/dead but he explained that I was here for an appointment and that I fell asleep on the way here. 

"Is he ok?" The doctor asked once Ming carried me to his office/room. 

"Yeah he's just really stressed out and tired," Ming explained and woke me up. 

"What's going on?" I was kinda confused since I just woke up, 

Ming explained and then the doctor asked a bunch of questions and ran some tests before checking and testing to see if I was pregnant. 

"I'm not seeing anything..." The doctor couldn't see anything, nothing was showing up on the ultrasound, 

"I'm gonna go find a nurse, I think it might be the machine isn't working," he left to find another nurse/machine thing. 

"Maybe I'm not pregnant," I mumbled looking up at Ming, 

"It's possible, but I'm pretty sure you are baby," Ming said hugging me. 

Another nurse came in with another machine and started looking around again. 

"I'm sorry guys I was wrong earlier," The doctor said and then pointed out about where the baby was. 

I'm pregnant...whoa...

Ming smiled and kissed my cheek, he was super happy and excited, I was too but also a bit nervous.

We went home shortly after finding out and now we're just cuddling and watching movies.  We're both just in shock, but still really happy that we're having a baby. 

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