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- KIT'S POV. - February 1st, 2014 - Traveling

"Kit you ready?" Ming asked as him and Forth were putting everything into the trunk of Pha's car

"Yeah," I was standing at the side of the car waiting for Ming to finish putting everything away, I hate long car rides, I'm just afraid of small spaces (like cars/planes) for long periods of time.

I was wrapped up in my blankets since I was gonna try and sleep the whole way there so I don't freak out over being stuck in a car, Ming closed the trunk and we got into the very back seat of the car, Forth and Beam were in the middle section and Pha was driving with Yo in the passenger seat.

I was leaning against the window for most of the drive but when I woke up about 2 hours later I had my head laying on Ming's lap, I sat up kinda confused and Ming kinda smiled

"You alright?" Ming asked as I leaned on his shoulder

"Y..yeah,"I stuttered a bit and pulled my blanket tighter around me. I was just extremely tired as we finally got to the beach-front hotel we were staying at, Ming nodded and hugged me before all of us went into the hotel to check in and rest for a bit. 

Pha, Forth, and Ming went to get food, Yo and Beam were sleeping in their rooms, and I was stuck in Ming and I's room trying to sleep a bit.

"So, what's up with you and Ming?" Beam asked as him and Yo walked into my room, I guess they weren't sleeping.

"What do you mean?" I asked I didn't understand what they were asking.

"Are you guys dating?" Yo asked sitting on the bed next to me while Beam sat on the other side of me.

"No," I replied. It was complicated, we act like we're together but we're not dating, officially at least. He told me that we should take things slow so I can get used to actually being in a relationship and he can get used to my 'attitude', even if it is rare for that to come out.

"I'm sure he'll ask you soon," Beam said.

"If I know Ming well enough he'll ask you soon P'," Yo said.

I just nodded and the 3 of us kept talking about random stuff, and then the conversation took a very....interesting turn, I'd rather not repeat any of it though, it's too much for me to try and explain what they were talking about.

"What did we walk into?" Ming asked as the 3 of them walked in with a lot of food.

Yo, Beam, and I were either laughing, laugh-crying, or just blushing A LOT.

"Kit did---" Yo started to say but I covered his mouth before he could say what happened.

"He just told a really bad joke," Beam covered for me while Yo glared at me until I moved my hand away.

"Sure..." They didn't believe us at all. Ming came over and sat next to me pulling me onto his lap, I was still embarrassed-blushing so I hid my face in his neck and kinda hugged him.

"What happened baby?" Ming asked making me look up at him.

"Nothing..." I lied to see if he would believe it.

"You're lying," He said and kept trying to get me to tell him, I know it seems like a desperate move not to tell him the truth but the story I told them I want to keep between us 3.

"Guys, come eat before we eat everything," Forth said looking over at Ming and me.

"Can we go down to the beach after this?" Beam asked as he finished eating, Forth nodded.

"You guys wanna come with us?" Forth asked as him and Beam got ready to go.

"Yeah, we'll be down in a bit," Pha said as him and Yo went back to their room.

"MingKit you guys coming too?" Beam asked,

Ming looked over to me and I shook my head no. I told Ming earlier that I would go with them tomorrow but not today.

"I don't want to but you can go if you want to," I said as I looked over at Ming. He nodded but said no as well and that he wanted to stay in here with me but that we'll go down tomorrow.

"Alright we'll be on the beach if you need us," Forth said as him and Beam left.

I got up and went to take a shower and put on my pajamas, one of Ming's oversized t-shirts and a pair of sweatpants, nothing cute but Ming thought it was. I came out of the bathroom and as soon as Ming saw me his jaw dropped because of 'How Cute I Looked' his words not mine.

"You look adorable," Ming smiled and came over to me to see my outfit,

"Thanks," I smiled and kinda blushed a bit. and then we layed on the bed and watched movies all night and just talked about random stuff, he was explaining what relationships were like and I taught him about random stuff. We always have these late night talks and I really love them because he's helping me and I'm helping him.

- Kit 

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