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Define Love: " A profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person."

Kit doesn't know what love is, he's never loved, never been loved, he didn't even know that people could like/love each other until he got to college, he always thought everyone hated each other, or just never expressed feelings. But that all changes when he meets a new student named Ming.


Ming - 21 - 2nd year engineering student - REALLY in love with Kit

Kit - 25 - 4th-year med-student - Doesn't show emotions/feelings very well/What Is Love?

Wayo (Yo) - 20 - 1st-year science student - Crushing on Pha

Phana (Pha) - 23 - 2nd-year med-student - Crushing on Wayo

Beam - 23 - 3rd-year med-student - Dating Forth for 3 years  

Forth - 23 - 3rd year engineering student - Dating Beam for 3 years

What Is Love? - MingKitHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin