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- KIT'S POV. - January 29th, 2014 -  Spring Break

"What? I'm confused..." I was in Beam's dorm with him and Forth sine they were trying to show me/explain what love is.

"Have you ever liked someone? Like how Beam and I do," Forth asked

I shook my head no, "never, unless that's how I feel for Ming, otherwise never,"

Then they made me explain what my feelings for Ming were, like do I like him, is this what love is, etc.

"I think I know this answer but, have you ever kissed anyone before?" Beam asked

"Yeah," I nodded, "there was a time in high school where I was with a friend of mine, we went to a party got drunk- and kissed/one-night stand... But there was no emotion/feelings involved, we were just drunk friends I didn't like him like that and he only saw me as a friend," I explained

"You party?" Forth was shook.

"I used to, I haven't been to one in a while," I said

"Well, on the bright side you've kissed and done 'stuff' with someone so at least we don't have to help with that part," Beam said

"Ok, but really how do you feel about Ming? Like just a really good friend? Or someone you wanna marry later on?" Forth asked

"I like him a bit more than a friend I guess, but I don't think its so much that I would marry him, Forth I already told you how I felt about marriage and stuff," I said

"Yeah, but I'll tell you this your marriage won't end up like your parents, or your siblings, yours will last and you two will actually love each other," Forth said.

I guess he was right about that, everyone in my family has to go through an arranged marriage because that's the only way my dad's business makes any money. They were gonna force me to marry to but as soon as I brought up being a dr. they said I wouldn't be forced to marry as long as I made a shit ton of money and gave them 60% of my paychecks when I start work.
I'm not giving them any money or helping the business in any way. They messed up their kids, we all have mental/physical disabilities, none of us know what love is, or anything other than hate, and--- nevermind, it's too much to explain right now.                                                                      Beam came over and sat next to me

"You alright?" He asked I guess I was crying a bit...

"Yeah, it's just hard to believe that someone could mess up their kids like this.." I then went on and told them how messed up everything was growing up and how they forced us like this just so a business could make money and they could get more money from the government because all 5 of us (3 brothers/2 sisters) are disabled in some way.

"That's fucked up," Forth was pissed off that someone did that to us,

"It is, that's why I'm like this, cold-hearted and an idiot with a million learning disabilities."  Beam was still hugging me and I was leaning on his shoulder a bit,
Beam and Forth are the brothers I wish I had growing up, they actually care.

"Do you know how much money your 'parents' make off of you guys?" Beam asked

"I have no idea, I just know its a lot. The money is supposed to go to getting us help, and to pay for our medical bills," I said.

"I'm guessing none of you ever got the help you needed?" Beam asked

I nodded, "Yeah, they refused to take us anywhere,"

"Are you getting any help now?" Forth asked

I shook my head no, "unless you and Beam count as help then no, I can't afford it,"

"Well Beam counts as help, he'll be a therapist/psychology thing," Forth said

"Thing?" Beam kinda laughed and explained to Forth what it was.

"But seriously if you need any help/medical stuff, tell us and we'll help you since they won't." Beam said

I smiled a little, "Thanks guys,"

They kinda went wide-eyed

"HE SMILED!!!" They both tackled me into a hug. And then we all started laughing before getting back into what we were talking about.


What Is Love? - MingKitWhere stories live. Discover now