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AN: short chapter

Kit's POV. - May 26th, 2014 - It's --------?

Jae's been staying with Ming and me for the past couple days, I've been in bed the whole time doing school work, (Pha and Beam bring him his work) and Ming went to the store. 

"Kit, you awake babe?" Ming asked as he came back into the dorm. 

"Y...yeah," I'm slowly getting my voice back. 

Jae came over to me and explained what he and Ming talked about a couple days ago and that he wants me to at least take a test to make sure that I am pregnant or that I'm not. I was taken by surprise but nodded and got up going to the bathroom to take 2 tests. 

- 10 minutes later  - 

I came out of the bathroom and handed both tests to Jae just completely shocked and confused, worried about how Ming would react. 

Jae looked up at me and his jaw dropped, he looked over to Me and showed me as well. 

"I'll be with Forth if you need me," Jae said and then left the dorm so Ming and I could talk. 

"Kitty, you alright?" Ming asked sitting next to me on my bed. 

I nodded, "I'm scared," I was being honest, I am terrified.  Ming hugged me since I started crying a little. 

"What did it say?" Ming asked as he hugged me and kissed my cheek, I handed both of the tests to him so he could see them, 

"What did it say?" Ming asked as he hugged me and kissed my cheek, I handed both of the tests to him so he could see them, 

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Ming just looked up at me wide-eyed, "Whoa..." He was extremely surprised, so was I but I was scared. 

Ming hugged me and smiled, "We're gonna be parents..." He was still in shock. 

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