Her Coldness

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 You light up another cigarette and I pour the wine.

 It's 4 o'clock in the morning and it's starting to get light.

 When I go away I'll miss you.

 And I will be thinking of you. 

 Every night and day, just

 Promise me, you'll wait for me.

 'Cause, i'll - - - 

I have to turn that off before i go ballistic. It's 6am and i have to get ready for the 9am meeting. Cole's secretary called my secretary yesterday saying that I was personally invited by Cole to join their meeting about our project's progress. Excited? Of course I am. I get to see her again so soon. I didn't even have to exert any kind of effort in finding a reason to see her again. That's cool with me.

I took a shower, chose a light blue polo shirt and a dark violet tie. I can still remember how we once argued about this pair, because I thought it was way too gay for me. She said it looked good on me, but I didn't believe her. It was her who bought these for me, but I never wore them.

By wearing this today, I want to send a message to her that I am willing to do whatever it takes to win her back. I want her to know that my intentions are for real and that I really want her to give us another chance. I know she'll understand my hidden statement. I trust her to.

I hopped in my car and headed for my baby's office. I have to give her a good impression of me not being late. I still remember how she hated my tardiness. She gets pissed off when i arrive later than planned. I wanna show her that i'm a better man now. I wasn't the old irresponsible jerk who once hurt her and shattered her into pieces. In my little ways, she'll be able to see that. I'm sure of that.

I got there by 8:30 and I was pretty confident that I'm all ready to see her again. I will see to it that she sees me as early as now to make her aware of my eagerness. If our meeting yesterday was not enough proof, i'll prove it to her again and again, until she understands. She's a smart woman. I know she already understands, but she chooses not to, because she hates me. That's the clearest message i got after yesterday's encounter. She had all the anger in her voice and i have NEVER heard that from her, when we were together before.

So how am I gonna undo the damages? All i know is that I love her that much to make amends and pay for all the things i have ruined. If only someone can answer that question. I'd be more than willing to give her my everything, if only she'd accept. I would make her the happiest woman on earth and she'd make me the happiest man alive. We'd be the happiest couple EVER!

I knocked on her door after her secretary advised me to get in. When i got in, I saw her busy doodling her laptop and some files on her desk. When she saw me, she smiled and said, "Good morning! You're here early. Would you mind waiting? My team will be in the conference room in a bit."

 "That's fine. Can i still call you Cole?" - me.

 "Sure. No problem. Would you like some coffee?" -her.

 "That would be great." -me.

 "Okay. Just a second. Zeffiah, please bring us a cup of cappuccino and a cup of brewed coffee." -her.

 "Coming up, Super Sam!" -Zeffiah.

 "So, i believe the brewed one is for me and the cappu is for..." -me.

 "Ha-ha-ha... No, Mr. Tan. You got it all mixed up. I get to have the brewed and you get to have the cappu. Remember, people change. And for that, if you wanna have brewed too, i'll just ask Zeffiah to bring us two brewed coffees." -her.

 "Oh! No. I'm still the same old softie me. I still like cappu." -me.

I didn't see that coming. Just because of that damn coffee, she again hit a soft spot in me. She wants to make me realize that she has changed a lot. She has changed in so many ways that i couldn't even bare thinking that all these happened, because of what i did to her. I just hope not.

 "Oh, I'm sorry for the rudeness. I tend to forget small things when I'm doing something really important. Would you like some snacks? A light breakfast perhaps?" -her. She suddenly stood up and went in a door located at the left end of her office. She really is different now. She walks confidently as though everything and everybody she passes through would really notice her. She's too intimidating now. She's so full of authority and full of sophistication.

Nobody would actually believe that this successful woman was once a weak and timid young girl.

 "Gab? Are you okay?" -her. What did she say again? I wasn't paying much attention because my mind was wondering how she did it - - - the changes. I was wondering why she did it and when did she start changing?

 "Hey! Gab? What is happening to you?" -her. That woke me up. I looked at her with eyes full of questions that only her could answer. And I knew that she understood why i was out of my mind for some split seconds. "I'm sorry. Yeah. Sure. Snacks would be great. I'm really sorry. You lost me there." -me. That was humiliating. I really lost myself there.

 "You scared the shit out of me, Gab. You should have seen your face. You were like going to another dimension only you can see. What's wrong with you? Are you alright?" -her. She was standing infront of me right now. She used the back of her palm to feel my forehead. I heard concern in her voice, and it was real. I had to take the opportunity to ask her.

I took her hand from my forehead and held it between my hands. I looked into her eyes and asked, "What happened? What made you change? Where did my baby go?"

 "Super Sam, here are the files that ... ... ... Oh ... ... ..." -Jacob. We didn't hear him knock. He caught a glimpse of me holding on to Cole's hand. Cole suddenly took her hand back and went in to the left end door again saying, "Just the perfect timing, Jakey. What do you wanna have for breakfast? I'll be heating some. Will it be the usual pasta?"

 "Uh... Yeah... Need a hand?" -Jacob.

 "I'm good. Just take a seat and stay there. I'll be back in a minute." -her.

Jakey??!! Wtf??! Why does my baby call this guy Jakey??!!

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