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Do you know what day it is???


No that's not what I meant

Oh you wanted the date??

Yuna there's a calendar on your phone...

That's not what I meant!!!

You know today is really special to us and I was wondering if you had anything planned


Oh okay

"Why do you look so sad, hun?" Kyulkyung asked causing Yuna to look up from her phone. The look on Yuna's face said it all, and Kyulkyung could sense something was wrong as soon as she walked into the room.

"Did something happen?" Some added from behind Kyulkyung with a concerned look planted on her face.

"I think Jihoon forgot our 1 year anniversary," she said as her eyes scanned the texts once more.

"Oh honey I'm sorry" Kyulkyung was instantly by Yuna's side trying to comfort her.

"Maybe Jihoon's just acting like he forgot and then he'll surprise you with something romantic," Somi said trying to make sense of Jihoon's actions.

"Maybe" Yuna sighed. She wanted to believe what Somi was saying however she couldn't help but think otherwise.

As the two girls tried to calm their best friend down the doorbell began to ring."I'll go get that" Somi who was closest to the door yelled before walking over to see who was ringing. When she opened the door she was met by a smiling Jihoon before he entered the room.

"Hi Somi, Kyulkyung" he waved as he greeted the two girls. They both awkwardly smiled back knowing that something was about to go down between the couple.

"Yuna" he walked over to where she was standing before pulling her into a hug. He was expecting her to hug back or at least say something, however, he was surprised when Yuna did neither of the two.

Jihoon pulled away from the hug the words "What did I do?" instantly being asked. He could tell that she was angry and he assumed it was something he had done.

"You forgot," Yuna said taking a step back from the boy to get a clear look of his face.

She watched as his eyebrows furrowed in confusion before he began to ask her "What did I forget?" Yuna didn't answer. She wanted him to realize what he had done wrong on his own.

"Somi, Kyulkyung, please inform me of what I forgot" Jihoon turned to the two girls behind him, who watched as the scene unfolded in front of them as if it was a movie. All they needed was popcorn and soda.

"Um, I have to go... I have a date with Daehwi" Somi said not wanting to get involved in the couple's drama. She knew if she told Jihoon, Yuna would be angry and not replying at all would do the same to Jihoon. So Somi found herself lying, although Jihoon saw straight through it.

Jihoon turned to Kyulkyung in attempt to get an answer but to his dismay, she said "Yeah I just remembered I have something with Jinyoung today as well". Somi grabbed Kyulkyung's hand before the two made a quick getaway from the situation.

"Yuna please talk to me. What did I forget?" he turned back to his girlfriend after their friends had left.

"You forgot today was our anniversary," she said quietly as she looked down at her feet. Jihoon's eyes widened before he let out a wheeze that then turned into a loud laugh.

"This isn't funny. Do you even care about our relationship or is this just all a joke to you?" Yuna said obviously frustrated as she gazed up at him.

"I'm sorry! This is way too funny!" the boy continued to laugh not noticing the tears that formed in Yuna's eyes.

"You know what I'm leaving because you obviously don't care about me," she said as the tears finally began to fall. She began to walk towards the door when she felt Jihoon grab her wrist before forcing her to face him.

"Yuna what day did we start dating?" he asked and she looked up at him in disbelief. To Yuna, the day was so important and she couldn't believe that Jihoon managed to forget it.

"A year ago today, the 30th" she frowned.

"Yuna, today's the 29th" a smirk formed on Jihoons face and Yuna looked back at him in confusion. She quickly reached into her pocket to get her phone. When she saw the 29th on her lock screen she looked up at the boy with an apologetic look.

"Oh my god. Jihoon I'm so sorry!" She looked down at her hands with sadness written on her face.

"It's okay," he said cupping her cheeks with both hands as he looked down at her lovingly. He leaned down to place a light kiss on her lips to reassure her that everything was alright.

"I'm horrible. I was so quick to get angry at you when I was the one who forgot the date" she said with a quiet laugh.

"Now tomorrow I actually have something planned for our anniversary but you'll just have to wait and see, " he said with a wink causing the girl in front of him to smile.

"I love you Jihoon" her smile widened as his arms found its way around her.

"I love you too" he replied.

Catfish | Park Jihoon ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें