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Aren't you supposed to be filming something today?

Yeah but I have the flu and they wanted me to stay home and rest

Oh no my baby's sick☹️

Don't be sad I'll feel better in a few days

Did you take medicine??

No there isn't any in the house and I'm too sick to leave

Okay then I'll buy some for you

No you don't have to

I know but I want to

But I don't want you coming over and getting sick

I'll be over there soon

No Yuna don't

You can't stop me 🙂


After sending the last message, I turned off my phone before getting off of the couch. I had originally planned to spend my Sunday under some blankets, while rewatching Pinocchio for the twentieth time, however helping Daniel seemed more important.

After leaving my house, I walked to a nearby pharmacy that was only a blocks away. I bought Daniel medicine, tissues, cough drops and just anything I thought he would need in order to feel better. I know I probably went a little overboard, but it was the right thing to do.

I had arrived at the Wanna One dorm about 15 minutes later, and Daniel was there at the door to greet me. As soon as I saw how horrible he looked, and I knew he was really sick.

"Yuna, I told you not to come" he pouted as soon as I walked through the door.

"I know...but I had to. I also bought you some stuff so hopefully you can feel better" I said handed him the bag filled with all the items I got him.

"I don't deserve you" he said as he looked down at me with a sad look. There was an awkward silence for a few seconds however I broke it by saying "Shut up. You should go lay down. I'll get you something to eat and then you can drink your medicine". He didn't object, in fact he obediently walked back towards his room and I walked into the kitchen.

I used whatever ingredients they had in the house, and made Daniel some soup the way my mom had taught me to. I put some of it in a bowl and carried it into Daniels room.

"Here you go" I said with a smile as I placed the bowl of soup down on his bed carefully.

"Thank you so much" he looked up at me and showed me a weak smile  in response before sitting up. He took the bowl and started to eat the soup while I crawled onto the bed and sat next to him.

"You're welcome" I smiled again  before taking his laptop and trying to find something to watch on Netflix.

"I really don't deserve you" I noticed him whispering those words again and I found myself biting my lower lip feeling guilt more than anything else.

"Stop saying that" I lightly rested my head on his shoulder. I felt guilty hearing him say that because it was definitely the other way around. I didn't deserve him. I felt horrible for kissing Jihoon and still having feelings for him, even after he said he saw me as a sister. I mean here I was with my sick boyfriend, and I still couldn't stop thinking about another guy. Daniel deserved to be with someone who wasn't in love with another guy.

"Don't get so close I don't want you getting sick" he said as he tried to scoot away from me, however I wrapped my arms around him tightly, preventing him from moving any further.

"I don't care if I get sick, now drink your medicine". He nodded, before taking a spoonful of the medicine. I couldn't help but laugh at him cringing because of the taste, and then chugging a bottle of orange juice after.

Daniel had finished eating and the two of us just sat and watched a few YouTube videos together.

"Yuna I-I love you and I'm really lucky to have you" he said unexpectedly before wrapping his arms around me tightly and pulling me down onto the bed. I guess he didn't care about me getting sick anymore. I felt his fingers gently interlock with mine and I allowed myself to get comfortable in his arms.

"I love you too" I quietly said but I wasn't sure if I meant it. I liked him and I cared about him but I wasn't sure if I loved him. The more I thought about it the more I began to hate myself so I closed my eyes and slowly began to drift into a dreamless sleep.

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