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Days till the end of the bet: 2

"Yuna, Yuna, Yuna! Daehwi's avoiding me! What did you say?" Somi yelled, as she ran over to me. I turned my attention from Jihoon who was seated next to me, to my best friend standing in front of me.

"We were texting and I kinda told him you liked him... but he confirmed that he liked you back!" I answered defensively.

"YOU TOLD HIM! YUNA HOW COULD YOU! Let me see the texts!"

"Come on Somi it just slipped out" I said as I opened my phone to a the texts between Daehwi and I.

I watched as Somi began to scroll through the texts but I was surprised when she looked up at me, her eyes filled with anger.

"Oh my god, You're so stupid!"she yelled as she threw the phone back at me roughly.


"How dumb could you be?" she said as she rolled her eyes and began to walk away.

"Somi wait I'm sorry" I ran after her and quickly grabbed her arm but she pushed me away causing me to fall backwards.

"Don't touch me!" She yelled before walking out of the lunchroom.

I let out a loud sigh as I watched her walk away angrily. Why was she so angry about me telling Daehwi she liked him. She had done the same multiple times as well, yet it was only a problem when I did it.

Jihoon had came to my side, and helped me up from the floor. He suggested that I leave her alone and let her cool down. I agreed but after spending 10 minutes contemplating it, I decided it was best to go apologize because I was wrong. I did break our promise and I did cause Daehwi to ignore her. So I began to walk around the school, with thee hopes of finding her.

As I was walking down one of the hallways, I suddenly felt someone's arms wrap around me tightly, and a hand was placed over my mouth. Before I knew it, the person had led me into a dark room that smelled like bleach and other cleaning products.

"Yuna we need to talk" I heard Daniel's voice say, as he removed his hand from over my mouth. As soon as I heard him say that I tried to run away but his arms were still tightly wrapped around my waist.

"Daniel! Let me go!" I yelled as I tried to move his arms but it wasn't working.

"No I want to talk to you"

"Let me go! If someone catches me in here with you I'm dead" I pleaded.

"Then stop screaming. Listen the sooner we talk, the sooner I'll let you go" he said.

Reluctantly I found myself agreeing by asking "Fine what is it?"

"I miss you" he said, and his grip around me loosened.

"Daniel" I sighed his name loudly. I missed him too but I couldn't tell him that.

"I know you're angry because of the kiss,but I swear that she was the one that kissed me. And you might not believe me but just give me another chance" I could hear the desperation in his voice, and I wanted to say yes, but Pinky was still an obstacle.

"Why can't you just move on? You can be with pinky" I suggested.

"I don't like pinky, I like you! And I'm not giving up so easily. You still like me too don't you?"

"I don't know ... Maybe a little" I found myself answering honestly.

"So you do! Then Just give me another chance."

"I can't, Pinky would kill me if she found out. She wants you to herself, she even went as far as threatening me" I said revealing the real reason behind everything.

There was an awkward pause but then Daniel broke it by saying "She doesn't have to find out. We can sneak around...".

"I don't know, if we get caught, Daniel she's going to ruin me" I said with a groan.

"She won't find out, we'll be careful. Please Yuna?" He said as he took my hands in his.

"Okay" I said and I found myself nodding.

"Thank you, I'm sorry about this" he said awkwardly.

"It's fine, but I have to go" I said as I began to walk towards the door.

Before I could exit Daniel pulled me into a back hug and said the words "Bye Yuna" and then he let go of me.

After exiting the room, I instantly began to look for Somi. I made my way up to the roof, and to my surprise she was there. Somi was talking to someone who's back was towards me. She was facing my direction and although she was far away from me I could still tell that she was crying.

"It's Yuna! What does she have that I dont? Am I not pretty enough! Yuna's Ugly! She's fake! She's a liar! And she's leading both Jihoon and Daniel on? Why would you want her? I don't see why someone like Jihoon would want her either he could do so much better!" I heard Somi yell to the person.

Her hurtful words caused my eyes to water and tears began to slowly roll down my cheeks. I was angry at Somi, yet I knew the things she were saying was the truth. I am ugly and fake and a liar. I was far from pretty and the tons of makeup that I put on to feel a little beautiful just showed how fake I was.

Her words also reminded me of the things Jihoon would say. Just thinking about it made me cry even more. This was all too much and I just wanted to go home. As I walked back towards the school exit a few people had given me concerned looks. Woojin even tried to stop me and ask me if I was okay but I didn't answer. I didn't feel like talking to anyone I just wanted to be alone.

Authors note
Sorry for any mistakes I'll edit this later.

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