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I saw you walking home
with Daniel today

Stay away from him


 Unknown:If I see you around him ever again I swear you'll regret it

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If I see you around him
ever again I swear you'll
regret it


Unknown:Can you stop with the stupid memes already

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Can you stop with the
stupid memes already


Unknown:Okay listen Tuna if I see you with Daniel I'll make your life living hell

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Okay listen Tuna if I see
you with Daniel I'll make
your life living hell. It'll
be even worse than
anything Jihoon ever did
to you. Unless you're
stupid it's best that you
take my advice.

Daniel is mine
So don't talk to him
Don't look at him
Don't smile at him
Don't say hi to him
Don't even fucking think
about him Because I'll ruin
you if you do

lol k

I'll go text him now 😉

Bye hun 👋🏻✌🏻💁🏻

💜Yuna💜 has logged off

You're acting so brave its
actually cute

I can't wait to see the look
on your face tomorrow

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Authors note:
The next story I write is either going to be on Jonghyun, Samuel or Guanlin I just don't know which one yet. I seriously have no life so I might just write one for each of them.

Also thanks for 12k 💜, I still can't believe this story has that many reads Oh My God (Samuel voice).

Speaking of Samuel!!! My baby debuted I'm so proud of him. Go watch the MV if you haven't already.

Catfish | Park Jihoon ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora