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Authors note:
This chapter is really long, however a lot happens, so I hope you enjoy reading this.


Yuna's POV

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Yuna's POV

*Knock Knock*

It was late at night, and I found myself pounding on the window of the Wanna One dorm loudly. I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself, as I waited for someone to come to the window.

"Yuna!" Jihoon exclaimed as he opened the window. I forced my body through the small frame, and entered his room.

"What is it? Why are you crying? Why did you just come through the window?" He began to bombard me with questions, however, I was not in the mood to answer. I ignored him, and looked around the room to see if Daehwi was here, but sadly he wasn't.

"Yuna what happened?" Jihoon asked. I knew he was worried, however, I couldn't bring myself to answer."What happened?" He asked one last time, before he pulled me into a tight hug. Although I was still angry at him, I accepted the hug because it made me feel somewhat better.

"My mom and daehwi's dad just had a fight because of me, and I feel like I might have just ruined their relationship. It was really bad Jihoon. They were calling each other so many names, and they were throwing things at each other. The house is a mess now and I couldn't stay there. I didn't know where to go, so I came here. I tried to get in through the front door, but the security wouldn't let me, so I climbed the tree up to the balcony".

"Yuna I'm sorry, Daehwi is in his room." Jihoon's grip around me loosened, and I said a quick thank you, before exiting the room and walking down the stairs to Daehwi's shared room.

As soon as I opened the door, Daehwi's eyes were instantly on me."Yuna, oh my god what happened!" He said as he got up from his bed, and walked over to me before engulfing me into a tight hug.

"Daehwi I ruined everything. Mom and dad, they had a fight because of me" I said as I hugged him back just as tightly.

"Another one?" He asked, and I could tell he was just as annoyed as I was because of their constant fights.

"Yeah but this one was bad. They were yelling at each other and they broke so many things. The house is a mess and I don't think they can just forgive each other after what happened tonight. I don't get it, if they love each other why are they fighting all the time?".

"Maybe everything would've been better if they never fell in love" Daehwi whispered quietly, however, I was able to hear.

"Why would you say that?"I asked as I pulled away from the hug feeling more confused than anything.

"I feel like them being together ruined any chance I had of being with you," Daehwi said before dropping his head, and letting out a loud sigh.

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