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"Where should we go?" Jihoon asked as soon as we walked out of the school.

"How about the park?" I suggested, and he nodded with a smile. He then grabbed my hand, and began to lead me in the direction of he park. The small park that was usually filled with parents and younger kids, was now completely deserted as school was still in session.

I took a seat on one of the swings, while Jihoon sat on the concrete in front of me.

"Do you remember the last time we were here?" he asked.

I had to think back, but I quickly found myself remembering the last day of middle school. Daehwi Somi, Jihoon, Pinky, Jinyoung and I had decided to come here on the last day of middle school. The six of us made a silly promise to always have each other's back once we got to high school. When high school started however, Pinky instantly changed. The girl that was once my closest friend, became the person I feared most. That same year Somi, Daehwi and I had naturally drifted away from Jinyoung and Jihoon, although we would still talk occasionally. Jihoon was the second one to break the promise after he started bullying me.

"Yeah I remember, you broke our promise tho" I said as I looked down to see him staring back at me his face full of pure regret.

"You never told me, why did you bully me?" I found myself asking suddenly.

"Yuna I never wanted to hurt you, and I want to tell you why I did it, but I can't. You knew me back then, and you know I wouldn't have done that to you, unless I had to." Something about the way he looked at me when he said that made me believe him. So he didn't want to bully me but he had to? I was always a little skeptical about the whole bullying thing because It didn't seem like something Jihoon would do. I wanted to know the whole story but he wasn't letting on so I had to accept that answer.

"Okay, but tell me why were you and Daniel fighting?"I asked curiously.

"Well I saw him kissing another girl today, and when I asked him about it he tried to deny it.  I said I was going to tell you but he punched me and told me to keep my mouth shut."

My heart definitely broke a little after hearing that. I get that me and Daniel weren't officially together, but we were more than friends. My first though was that he never liked me, and this was all just an act.

"Oh I'm sorry" I found myself apologizing after realizing it was my fault Jihoons pretty face was now bruised and cut.

"You don't have to apologize, you didn't do anything. But I want to know what happened to you" he said as he pointed towards my knee that was wrapped with bandages.

"Pinky happened. She texted me last night and told me to stay away from Daniel. At first I thought it was just Ong joking, but I found out if was her when she confronted me today. I didn't listen to her warning and she threatened to cut my hair and make my life living hell. But hey, I guess Daniel kissing someone else just makes my life easier because now I have a reason to stop talking to him". I said before letting out a loud sigh.

"Pinky was the person Daniel was kissing" Jihoon said quietly and I found myself becoming angry.

"What do you guys see in her! Don't you know she's a witch, like I don't get it. I know she's pretty and all, wbut doesn't personality outweigh good looks! You dated her, didn't you? Why?" I found myself asking angrily.

"I only dated her for 3 days and then I realized how evil she was" he said defensively. That was three days too long! He should've dumped her within the first day, in fact he shouldn't have dated her in the first place.

"You're obviously hurting right now, I'm sorry" he said while breaking eye contact and looking down at his hands.

"It's fine. Everything happens for a reason, so maybe Daniel and I weren't meant to be. I'll just have to move on, and maybe I'll find someone better" I said with a fake smile.

"Actualy Yuna I uh I like yo ... never mind, forget I said anything"  he said.

"No tell me! What were you going to say" I found myself asking curiously. It sounded like he was going to tell me he liked me, but I probably just heard wrong.

"I like ice cream, you like ice cream. Let's go get ice Cream! I'll pay!" he said awkwardly as he jumped up from his seat on the floor.

"Yay!" I said happily as I got up from the swing, and we began to walk towards the ice cream parlor.

Authors note:
Here's a gif of Jonghyun just because 😂

Authors note: Here's a gif of Jonghyun just because 😂

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