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Yuna's POV

My life has become a living hell since the guys left. In fact it wasn't just the guys from Wanna One who had left, it was all my friends. Somi had went on another mini family vacation for a week and a half. Yoojung was preparing for her debut,  and Mina was preparing for a comeback. So I was all alone. Well I wasn't completely alone,there were a few people that I hung out with like Seonho, Soyeon and Haknyeon. The only thing was that we weren't that close and I had to be cautious about how I acted around them.

It was lunchtime on a Tuesday, and I chose to sit alone as usual. I had finished eating my lunch, and used the remaining time in the period to watch the Wanna One weekly idol. I found myself laughing and smiling like an idiot, but that was until I felt cold liquid falling on me. The liquid was dripping down my face, through my hair and even on my phone.

I gasped in shock at what had just happened. I was a little angry, but I just assumed someone had accidentally dropped some water or milk on me when they were passing by. However when I turned around and saw Pinky holding two cartons of Milk above my head with a smirk, I knew it wasn't an accident.

"Oops" was all Pinky said as she began to walk away, but I grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards me.

"What the hell is wrong with you! What gives you the right to think you can do things like that to others!" I yelled angrily.

"I told you to stay away from Daniel and you didn't!" She yelled back just as loudly.  So that's what it was about... Daniel.

"He wouldn't leave me alone! He was the one that wanted me" I said honestly. If Daniel hadn't followed me around the entire school for days asking for us to be together, then we wouldn't.

"As if, how delusional could you be! Do you think Kang Daniel would actually like someone like you. I think you might have forgotten this but Yuna you should take a look in the mirror. Or maybe I should just say it for you cause you obviously haven't  realized. You're so ugly that I feel sorry for you. Actually no I feel sorry for anyone that has to look at you."

I told myself not to listen to her but I couldn't help but think that what she said was true.

"Are you going to cry" she said with a little laugh. I wanted to cry more than anything, but that would only give her the satisfaction she wanted. I took a deep breath and held in my tears.
I grabbed my stuff, walked out of the cafeteria and I found myself on the roof crying.

Everything that just happened with pinky reminded me of the first time Jihoon had bullied me.


"Hey hey Jihoon wait up!" I found myself calling out to him as he walked down the hallway. It was almost as if he was avoiding me because he just wouldn't acknowledge my presence.

"Hey Jihoon?" I said as I finally caught up to him.

"What do you want from me! Can't you take a hint! I don't want to talk to you" he yelled loudly. I had never felt as scared and heartbroken as I was at that moment. Those words were the last thing I expected Jihoon to say to me. I get that we weren't as close as we were before, but just two days ago we were hanging out at his house reminiscing on our middle school memories, and now he was saying this. Maybe I had done something wrong, or maybe he was just angry and I was bothering him. But even if he was, that was so unlike Jihoon. That's why I thought he was just joking around or maybe it was a prank.

"Jihoon, yah stop playing" I laughed a little while playfully punching his shoulder however he responded by shoving me away from him. I stumbled back and twisted my ankle, causing me to fall onto the floor.

"Oh my god stop talking to me. I don't like you! No one likes you!" He yelled obviously angry. I felt like crying. I couldn't believe that he was doing this. I was praying that this was all some prank . I just wanted him to apologize and pull me into a tight hug, but that never happened. 

"Are you going to cry?" He laughed and at that point I was already crying. I felt the tears rolling down my cheeks, and I looked up to see that everyone was laughing at me.

"Don't help her" Jihoon said to the group of people before he began to walk away from me.

A few of his friends like Haknyeon and Woojin showed me concerned looks but they didn't dare to help. Jinyoung was the only brave one as he went against what Jihoon said and began to help me.

"You okay? You didn't sprain it did you ?" Jinyoung asked as he examined my ankle. I just shook my head in response as I felt too embarrassed to even talk.

"Jinyoung I said don't help her, she's a crazy bitch " Jihoon said as he turned back and looked at us.

"No you're just being a dick. I don't know what happened to you but you're taking your anger out on the wrong person. Yuna doesn't deserve this!" Jinyoung yelled back.

"Come on Yuna"  he said as he helped me stand up and we began to walk towards the school rooftop. We had sat down on the floor and while I was crying my eyes out Jinyoung was trying to comfort me. He kept patting my back supportively and telling me that everything would be okay.

"Why? Why did he do that? Was it something I did...".

"I don't know... it's not like him to do that. Maybe it's just a joke... he loves you he wouldn't  do that willingly" he said but I found myself laughing at his words.

"No he doesn't love me, he obviously hates me" I said as I burried my face in the palms of my hands.

"No he doesn't, I promise he doesn't. I'll talk to him and find out what that was about okay" he asked and I found myself replying with a low "Okay".

End of flashback

Just like last time I had found myself crying on the roof, except this time I didn't have anyone to comfort me. And I knew this was only the beginning of what Pinky had in store for me.

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