We sat in my room, which he had helped me decorate, on my bed as we just talked and talked to each other.

"So, when are you gonna tell them?" He asked, his elbows on his knees as he held his head up in his hand and smiled widely at me.

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused.

"You know, reveal yourself to them"

"Well I was thinking, never"

"Come on, you can't hide away forever" He frowned.

"Can't I?"

"Of course not! They're gonna find out eventually"

"Well, couldn't you cover for me or something, make sure they don't find out?"


"Pretty please" I begged, pouting

"Fine!" He sighed giving up. "But only because, well..." He began to nervously fidget with his hands.

"Because what?" I asked, beginning to loose my patience.

"Well...you see...Ihaveamassivecrushonyou" He blurted out as my expression softened.

"R-really?" I stuttered.

"...yeah" He blushed. "I know you probably don't love me back but-" I interrupted him by pulling him into a passionate kiss, my lips meeting his. After a few minutes, we were forced to pull away to catch our breaths.

"I do love you back. I love you to pieces" I confessed. "I know we probably shouldn't be together but-"

"I can't stop my feelings for you" He finished my sentence.

"So, are we like a thing now?" I asked.

"Yes!" He squealed before calming himself down. "Only if you want to be"

"Of course I do!"

"Yay!" He squealed again. "I'm so happy!"

"For once, I think I am too"


I sat in my room, alone. Eric had to be with the others so I just scrolled through my phone before hearing angry yells from outside my room. Curiously, I dropped my phone on my bed and ran over to my door, placing my ear up to it to hear what they were yelling about.

"We know you're hiding something Eric!" An angry voice yelled. "You've been very secretive lately!"

"I don't know what you're talking about. I'm not hiding anything" A calm, smooth gentle voice said, a voice that I immediately recognised as belonging to Eric.

"Eric, just tell us the truth" A slightly less angry voice told him.

"I am!" He yelled defensively. "I am the literal representation of honesty. I can't lie"

"So you don't know anything about this new side. You haven't seen him yet"


"Okay fine, we'll believe you...for now" With that, I heard two sets of footsteps storm off. Realising that the coast was clear, I slowly opened the door and tapped Eric on the shoulder, he turned around in shock.

"Oh it's just you" He let out a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness. You made me jump there" He giggled.

"Wanna come in?" I asked and as he nodded, he slid in. I immediately shut the door after him. "What happened out there?"

"They were asking about the new side, about you. I had to lie to protect you" He told me.

"Thank you" I smiled before noticing something odd. On the left side of his face, a few yellow scales had appeared out of nowhere. "What are those?" I asked as I pointed to them.

When The Past Bites Back (Patton x Virgil)Where stories live. Discover now