2p! Canada

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Requested by @Kittenlover4000


"Aim.." Matt whispered softly into your ear. You nodded in reply and aimed the rifle you had at the head of the poacher who had been killing moose and bears illegally around Moraine Lake, Alberta, Canada, which is where you were with your Canadian boyfriend.

It was early in the morning, around 6 or 7AM, cold, and you both were dressed up in your nicest winter clothes. The sun was just starting to make an appearance in the colourful sky which outlined the beautiful mountains perfectly. Matt had been tracking this poacher for a while now, and was more and more angry with every animal that he found dead at the hands of this poacher. He wanted you to kill this man, because he knew if he did he would shoot him more than 30 times, even after the man was dead. You both were dressed up in your nicest winter clothes.

"Shoot now, (Y/N)." His husky whisper once again rang through your head, and you finger pulled the trigger. The sound of a gun firing echoed around the lake, and two seconds later, the poacher fell to the ground, dead.

Matt smirked triumphantly and hugged you as you both stood. "Good job, babe."

"Thanks," You smiled, blushing. This may seem inhumane to any regular person, but this is what you and Matt did, and you both loved it unconditionally. Poachers are problems, and Matt wants the problems solved, and he's doing it with your help.

"You're a hell of a shot, I'm glad you're mine~" He nuzzled your hair and tilted your head up and kissed you. You blushed again and kissed him back, and he pulled away abruptly.

"I hear someone else.." He whispered, looking around.

You listened as well as heard the rustling of the lower branches of the emerald trees which surrounded you two. He quickly took his rifle from your hands and pointed it into the trees.

You and him watched as a large female moose and her large calf stepped into the clearing you were in. You smiled and Matt grinned, lowering his rifle.

You both admired the animals from afar. "You saved their life, killing that poacher, you know." Matt said quietly.

You smiled again as he walked over to you and he wrapped his arms around you. The two moose searched the clearing for whatever they could find to eat, and Matt snuggled you close, he didn't want you to be cold, even though it was impossible. You watched as his breath looked like smoke every time he exhaled, and your eyes scanned over his face. His nose and cheeks were red, but he could care less as he admired the view he had of his own beautiful landscape. You turned and watched as the sun rose, and you rested your head against his chest.

"I love you, Matt.." You murmured, and he looked down at you with a smile.

He tilted your head up and leaned in close to you, and murmured in reply, "I love you more." And with that, he kissed you sweetly, and your body was warmed up even more with the sparks that were harboured within you, and they never ceased to show themselves whenever you were with him.

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