Pirate! England x Fem! Philippines

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Requested by @sunflowerda!


Maria had just fallen asleep in her cottage by the shore. Representing such a beautiful and hard working country such as the Philippines was quite an exhausting task, and she often fell asleep very early in the evening so she could wake up the next morning and get back to work before the sun could make its appearance in the sky.

England, on the other hand, was sitting in in the small lifeboat taken from his big pirate ship, as his crew rowed it to shore. It was about 8pm, and he figured that the capture of the pretty little woman who lived on the beach would be easy.

He had heard from Spain that the lovely Maria tended to fall asleep easily and early, since she was so loyal to keeping her country in good terms with the rest of the world that she worked herself to sleep.

England smirked at the thought of seeing her pretty face, and he cocked his feathered, tri-cornered captains hat as they got closer.

He felt the side of his thigh, being sure that his sword was sheathed and ready to be used in the case that Maria wanted to defend herself, and he smirked even wider as the boat dug into the sand a little.

Without a word, England stepped out of the small boat and his boots sunk a little into the damp white sand.

"Shall we wait for ye here, cap'n?" One of his crew members asked, and he nodded briskly as he began walking towards the small home surrounded by palm and other types of trees.

There was no candle in the window, and he smirked again, knowing Maria had retired for the night.

This will be too easy.

He stopped at her front door, resisting the urge to knock. The bottom of one of his boots came in contact with the wood, instantly knocking it from its hinges.

Maria jolted awake.

England smirked and walked in, his footsteps echoing throughout the cottage as he walked, searching for her room. "Come out 'ere, darling. I won't hurt ye."

The Filipino girl slowly crept out of bed, instantly grabbing the sword she always had resting against her bedside table.

She recognised the British accent, which came from the mouth of a man who had spoken loud enough to be heard from the second story of her home.

It was Captain Arthur Kirkland.

She trembled a little as she silently turned the knob of her bedroom door, and pushed the door open, instantly freezing when the door creaked as it opened.

England's head tilted up to the ceiling, hearing the creak of a door on rusty hinges.

"Found ye," he whispered to himself as he hurried up the stairs.

Maria shrieked in surprise when she saw him coming up the steps and instantly slammed her door shut. She leaned against it to try and prevent him from entering, and he began roughly shouldering her door as he chuckled.

Eventually, she gave up and stepped back, falling onto her bed as he threw the door open. She protectively held her sword out in front of her, and it trembled in her grasp.

England's emerald eyes focused on it, and he unsheathed his own sword and in the blink of an eye, knocked her sword out of her hand.

Maria watched with wide eyes as it clattered across the floor, and she turned her gaze to the pirate in front of her. "P-Please don't hurt m-me.."

Arthur's face softened a little, just a little, as he leaned over and cupped her cheeks, whispering softly; "I could ne'vr dream of bringing harm to a pre'y gal such as yeself."

Maria couldn't help but blush a little.. I mean.. it wasn't everyday that a sexy pirate showed up at her house and randomly complimented her. She mentally facepalmed for even thinking of such stupid things.

He wasn't sexy.. he was... sexy. Alright, there was no denying it.

"S-Salamat po.." She whispered softly.

He let her go and any gentleness she saw in him disappeared as he grabbed her arm and roughly yanked her up. She let out a soft whimper of pain and tugged against him, trying vainly to escape. His grip tightened as he tugged her out of her room. "Yer comin' with me, darling."

"I-I don't want to go with you!" She exclaimed.

He spun around and roughly pressed his lips to hers. The shocked young woman stayed still for a moment before moving her lips against his, her honey brown eyes closing as he rested his other hand gently onto her cheek and licked her bottom lip.

Maria parted her lips and England slid his tongue into her sweet mouth, dancing it with hers. She cringed a little at the taste of some form of strong alcohol on his tongue, but moaned softly into the kiss nonetheless. The blonde pirate broke their kiss, his cheeks dusted with the lightest, yet still visible blush.

She stared at him for a moment, a dark blush on her own tanned cheeks.

"Will ye come wit' me now?' He questioned.

Maria nodded, her heart racing. England smirked proudly and tugged her out of her house, feeling accomplished. She was finally his.

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