Spain C:

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Requested by @ChaoticInsanity :3


"Mamá!" Your son called, running into the room with an adorable smile on his face.

You looked up from your book and smiled at him. "Yes Tomas?"

"How did you meet Papá?" He asked, his accent sneaking in.

You smile grew wider, and you folded the corner of the page you were on, and set your book aside.

"Well.." You pulled your son up to sit on your lap.

"It was a sunny day in Madrid. I had just finished saving enough to go to my favorite place. It was spectacular."

~Go to 5 years earlier; Madrid, Spain~

The sound of people laughing made a smile cross your face, and you saw many cute couples walking around.

There were many small stores, and you had the desire to go in each one, even though it was impossible.

But you tried.

The sun was in the middle of the sky, beating down upon the busy city.

You continued walking until you reached the food stores, and you wandered into a store selling tomatoes.

The smell of fresh cut tomatoes and spices and soups filled your nose, making your stomach growl.

Lucky you; not only was this place a store, but a small cafe as well.

You sat down and ordered a tomato basil soup with water.

Your waiter served your soup in a very short time, and you ate it like it was sacred. It was so delicious.

As you took the final spoonful, a laugh caused you to look up; and your eyes met the most beautiful man you've ever seen.

His skin was tan, he had dark brown hair and emerald eyes. He wore a dirt-stained white t-shirt and black jeans and boots.

"You appear to like my tomato soup, sí?" He asked in a heavy Spanish accent, sitting down in a chair in front of yours.

You smiled and nodded, chuckling. "Yes, it's very good."

"¡Gracias! I try, you know?"

You both laughed before you got up and stretched, the man copying you and yawning.

"Soy Antonio." (I'm) He held his hand out for you to shake.

You shook his hand, smiling. "(Y/N)."

"Are you visiting?" He asked. You nodded.

"Yes, from The United States."

He nodded. "Ah! Is it your first day?"

"Yeah! I'm just looking around, I don't really know where anything is.." You trailed off.

He laughed, taking your hand again with his and intertwining your fingers.

You cheeks blushed a shade of pink.

"How about I show you around?" He suggested, walking with you out of the cafe after announcing he was going on break.

"Thanks! It's nice to know where things are."

He laughed again, tugging you into a toy store.

You are starting to adore his laugh.

"What should we do in here?" You asked.

Antonio made eye contact with you, and his eyes gleamed along with his smile.

"Go choose something. I'll buy it for you."

You stared at him in shock.

"Oh no you don't have-"

"I insist. Go on!" He shoved you lightly, and you flashed a smile at him from behind your shoulder and motioned for him to come along. He rolled his eyes before smirking and following you to the teddy bear section where you dressed them up and stuff.


"You dressed up teddy bears all day?" Tomas asked, looking at you with confusion on his face.

You giggled. "No, silly! We each made a teddy bear then gave them to each other! I think I still have mine; would you like to see it?"

Your son nodded, a huge smile on his face. You walked into your closet and pulled the teddy bear out, still dressed in the Spain flag dress.

You handed it to your son, who giggled and held it close to his chest in a tight hug.

"Now if only your father could get home.." You muttered, looking at your watch. "Stupid conference.."

"Ma, go on with the story!" Tomas urged on. You smiled at him, kissing his forehead.

"Okay little one."

~Back to 5 years earlier; Madrid, Spain~

"Thank you so much Antonio! It's beautiful!" You squealed, hugging the teddy bear close to your chest.

He did the same with his teddy bear. "Yours is too, (Y/N)!"

You both continued walking around, visiting different stores and shops. You stole tomatoes from a grocery store and danced together in a party.

Afterwards, you and Antonio met up several more times. Your friendship grew stronger and stronger until you both longed for something more than friends.

You two dated for a year, with a couple of fights along the way, but you both got through it because you love each other.

Antonio proposed to you on the 1 year anniversary of when you met; July 19th.

Of course, you said yes.

And Tomas is born just 9 months later.


"I'm home!!" Antonio yelled, shrugging of his jacket and hanging it on the coatrack.

"Papá!!" His sons familiar voice called out. Not seconds later was he running towards his father.

Antonio smiled as his heart swelled, and he kneeled down and caught the little boy in his arms, standing up and spinning him around once.

"How is my handsome son today?" Antonio asked, kissing the top of his head.

Tomas opened his mouth to answer when a feminine voice cut him off.

"He was very good today! He asked about how we met!" You said, walking up to your husband.

He smiled and leaned forward and kissed you.

"Oh did he? Did you tell him everything about the first day?" Antonio asked, looking up from his son with a smile on his face to his beautiful wife.

"Yes; even down to the bears we made each other." You answered, pulling your men into a hug.

Antonio smiled, pulling you both closer into the hug.

"Te amo, (Y/N)." Antonio whispered.

"Te amo, Antonio."

"Te amo Tomas."

"I wuv you too Papá."

Hetalia Kisses!! (slowly updating again c: )Where stories live. Discover now