Sealand!!! ^.^

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Requested by @Little_Felicana! I'm saying jellybeans instead of jelly babies so you all can understand a bit more.. :3


"I'll become a country one day, right Miss (Y/N)?" Sealand asked as he sat across from you at the empty mahogany conference table.

"Of course, silly England is just being mean. I'm sure you'll make a magnificent country, yeah?" You responded.

Sealand blushed and looked down into his lap. He had a major crush on you.

"Right!!" He exclaimed, standing up and throwing a fist into the air.

"I will become a country! I'll be the king and you can be the queen, desu yo!" He shouted, a broad smile on his face.

You chuckled. "I think I'm a teeny tiny bit too old for you, Peter.."

"Not that many years, though? Not enough for marriage to be odd?"

You looked up at him with wide eyes. "Woah, who said anything about-"

"Marriage? You want to become the queen of Sealand, don't you?" He cut in, his eyes starting to water and his lip quiver.

You bit your lip in guilt. "Yes, I do."

"Then you shall marry me!!" He was perfectly normal again.

"No Peter, I don't think England would approve."

"He's just dirt and grass and tea. I'm metal! I can rocket punch him!"

You laughed hard, standing up.

"C'mon, let's go get some candy somewhere." You held out your hand for him to take. Sealand stood, his face pink, and grabbed your hand, tugging you out of the room and out of the building.

Now, here you were.

Sealand was chewing on a mouthful of jellybeans, and you were eating fancy Belgian truffles filled with cream.

"You should try a jelly bean. They're very good." He held out his hand, which had several jellybeans in it.

You smiled and took them from his hand, then tipping them into your mouth.

Your mouth was full of chewy jellybeans, and Sealand cracked a funny joke and you laughed, accidentally sending some chewed up jellybeans flying out of your mouth.

Sealand paused and looked at you.

You blushed in embarrassment, swallowing, staring at Sealand.

His flat face slowly morphed into a smile, then full on laughter.

You laughed with him too.

"You're so cute (Y/N)!!" Sealand giggled.

You buried your face in your hands, hiding your dark red blush and stifling your laughter.

"That was rude of me; I'm sorry.." You giggled.

"That was hilarious!!" Sealand laughed, eating another few jellybeans. 

You later went to the park with Sealand and he showed you several acrobatic tricks he taught himself. 

You smiled as he show you failed cartwheels and backflips. "You're great at it!"

Tired, he sat down next to you on the bench. "(Y/N), I have something to tell you.."

You looked at him. "What is it?"

"I like you." He leaned over and gave you a quick kiss then blushed, cupped his mouth, and got up and ran, embarassed.

You sat there, frozen in place. You sat that way for five minutes before you realized he left. You sat up, looking around, then stood up and sprinted after him, blushing and laughing.

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