Germany x Netherlands

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Requested by @SakuraiYoake


I have to say this.. :3


"What about the Netherlands?" Austria asked, pointing to a map of Europe, specifically the Dutch country that  bordered Germany.

"Hmm.." Germany sat back in his chair, as a military uniformed Austria looked at him.

"Shall we attack or not?"

"I'll visit him." Germany said, standing up. "France and Britain breathing down our necks is bad enough, who knows what will happen if he has treaties with other nations."

Austria nodded and gathered his papers, saluting Germany before leaving the room.

Germany sighed. The Netherlands and himself have gotten along fairly well over time, would he really ruin that now? He couldn't find it in his heart to attack a close friend out of pressure from Austria-Hungary.

He buried his face in his hands, debating whether or not this was a good idea. He needed to get to France, and to do that, he would have to go through the Netherlands.

~ 1 day later 

Tim sat on his couch, reading a newspaper about what his neighboring country was doing to Europe. Fear rose in his body... was he going to be attacked? He wanted to remain neutral, but so did Belgium, but she was invaded anyways...

(A/N: FYI Germany didn't do it.. with Belgium, this was literally just a takeover of her country by him. The real invasions were in WW2.. perverts.. ;))

A knock was heard at the door. Netherlands jumped, his head turning towards the door so fast he might have gotten whiplash. He hadn't put his hair up that morning, he was wearing his usual outfit though. He walked over to the door and unlatched its many locks, opening it slowly. 

Germany stood there, just inches taller than him.

"Netherlands.." Germany stared him down. "May I come in?"

The usually apathetic countries eyes widened slightly at his words and appearance. He was clad in a military uniform.

Tim gave a slight nod and moved aside, Germany stepped in, glacing around his house before locking eyes with the tall dutch man.

At least he didn't have to look down at him.

"You've heard the rumours circulating through Europe, ja?" Germany asked, spotting the newspaper on the couch.

"I have.." Netherlands spoke, showing no trace of fear in his voice, trying his best to step back from the intimidating country whom stood before him.

"I don't plan to attack you, liebling." Germany cooed, stepping forward.

Tim furrowed his eyebrows in suprise in shock. If he wasn't mistaken, Ludwig had no intentions to attack him and make his merry little way right into France, and liebling ment... darling..?

"You don't?" Netherlands slowly backed away, Germany stepping forward with his every step back. To Netherlands' horror, his back hit something cold and flat. A wall..

Ludwigs arms were on each side of his shoulders, and the tall blonde slowly leaned his face closer into Tims, whom tried to push his head farther away from Germany, only to fail. 

Ludwigs lips swept his into a sweet kiss, that Tim couldn't help but melt into. His arms went for Germanys shoulders, grabbing them and pulling the blue eyed blonde closer to him as the kiss deepened.

Germanys tongue ran across the Dutch mans bottom lip. Netherlands parted his lips wider as Germanys tongue slipped in, dominating over his. They kissed until they were both breathless.

"I just wanted to let you know, Netherlands.." Germany said his name in a seductive manor. "That I have to intentions to invade you... yet.

A strike of fear and lust went through Tims heart at Germanys words. Ludwig left a stunned Netherlands leaning against the wall as he left the house.

Netherlands slowly slid down the wall he was supporting himself with and sat on the floor, touching his lips with his fingertips. What the hell just happened?

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