China aru!!

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Requested by @bpdonut7130!! Love you guys!!!


You had just gotten back from a long trip to Sri Lanka, one of your favorite beach islands in the world.

You were going to your best friend China's house, after not seeing him for a month.

You parked your car in front of his large house, and closed the door very quietly.

You didn't want him to know you were here.

You snuck around the house to the back, where you cautiously looked through the glass paneled back doors. China was in his kitchen, making tea for himself.

You lifted the mat and there was a key. You grabbed the key and quietly unlocked the back doors, sliding them open and sneaking in quietly while China had his back facing you.

You snuck up on him on your tippy-toes.

He sipped his tea, still oblivious to you, while he put away all of the supplies he had used to make his delicious tea.

"Boo!!" You yelled, grabbing his shoulders.

"Aiyaaaah!!!" China shrieked, jumping and spilling a little of his tea.

He spun around to face you. His jaw dropped and his eyes widened.

He let go of his tea and the glass hit the floor and shattered.

You walked around the mess and stood in front of him, while shock soon turned into a smile on his face.

"(Y/N)!!!!" He yelled, pulling you into a tight hug and then spinning you around.

He let you go and grabbed your hand, and you both ran into his art studio, your favorite room to talk in.

You both sat down on a mat across from each other.

"You're back!! I thought you'd never come back, aru!!" China exclaimed, pulling you into another tight hug.

"I didn't want to go but I realized if I stayed any longer I'd turn into leather, and I really wanted to see you, my best friend, after a while."

China laughed.

You two ended up playfully wrestling and rolling around on the floor.

You laughed when suddenly China stopped. He had positioned himself on top of you while you were wrestling on accident.

You both let out a breath as his warm brown eyes stared down into yours.

You stared at him with a surprised expression, and moved your hands up to his shoulders.

"(Y/N), I've been waiting to tell you something that I realized while you were on vacation, aru." He muttered, his cheeks tinting red.

You furrowed your eyebrows and looked up at China.

"What is it?" You asked.

"I.. um..." He trailed off, his heart beating fast.

He looked down at your face.

"So cute!" He squealed, softly pinching your cheeks.

You raised an eyebrow.

"Sorry... I..." He said softly.

"What do you want to say to me?" You questioned China.

".... Uh.. Well, whenever I am around you, I get butterflies in my stomach.. Whenever you smile, I smile too. You make me very happy, aru."

You smiled. You could relate to those feelings you got whenever you were around him.

"You make me happy too." You said.

China's blush darkened. "Well, what I've been wanting to say is..." His voice cracked out of nervousness.

You raised your eyebrows, wanting him to go on.

"I... I love you." He finally managed to say.

Your heart was beating so loud you were sure he could hear it.

"I love you too, Yao." You said his human name with a smile.

China let out a sigh of relief.

He slid off of you and stood up, stretching out a hand to help.

You took it, and he pulled you up and engulfed you in a hug, which smelled of sweet flowers and tea.

He turned his head as you turned yours, and the tips of your noses touched.

You stared into his eyes.

You watched his eyes slowly close as he pressed his lips to yours.

You closed your eyes and wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer, deepening the kiss.

You both pulled away after a minute.

China smiled at you. "C'mon, let's go watch a movie, aru." He took your hand, and you have never felt happier.

Hetalia Kisses!! (slowly updating again c: )Where stories live. Discover now