2p! America!! >:}

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Requested by @LucyHeartfillia2 

Scotland threatened to shove biscuits down my throat if I wrote about him.. so..


You ducked as the nail ridden baseball bat swung over your head, while a fist swung at your stomach, hitting you.

The wind got knocked out of you and you fell to the ground as a laugh echoed through out the room.

"(Y/N), you have to watch after your whole body. A blow to the gut could knock you on your ass and," Allen snapped his fingers, "you're toast."

You sighed, getting back up. "Can I try again?"

"Alright." He got into his fighting position, and swung the bat at your legs.

You jumped over it, and then Allen attempted a barrel roll kick to your chest, but you dodged that and grabbed his wrist, knocking his bat out of his hand. He fought back and kneed you in the stomach.

You elbowed his chest and he smirked, grabbing your leg and pulling it towards him. You lost your balance and fell to the ground, swearing along the way.

Allen flipped you over so your stomach was on the ground, then climbed on top of you and straddled you, pinning your arms behind you.

"Gotcha!" He laughed.

You rolled your eyes and squirmed under his grip. "Get the hell off of me."

He got back up, offering you a hand, which you took.

But he dropped you halfway up, and you fell back on your bum.

He snickered.

"Hahaha Jones." You snapped sarcastically.

"Well somebody's pissy today.." Allen said, picking up his bat and examining all of the nails on it, before looking back at you.

"I'm sick of getting beaten by you." You groaned, stretching and cracking your back.

"Wanna go again?" He asked.

You smirked. "Yeah."

He swung his bat right at your face, and you ducked and punched him in the stomach, he coughed once but regained himself and kicked at your shins.

You jumped back and avoided the kick, and Allen growled, swinging his bat at your head again, and you ducked and caught his arm, twisting it.

Allen let out a brief cry of pain as his bat fell from his hand. At least he couldn't use that with you for the rest of the match.

You kicked it off to the side and grabbed Allen's other arm and twisting it like you did the other.

He yelped in pain once more and kicked you in the stomach again, sending you flying to the floor.

You landed on your back hard, and then Allen was standing over you, smirking.

"Beaten again, huh (Y/N)?" He teased.

You sneered. "Not even close."

From the ground, you lifted both legs and kicked Allen in the stomach full force.

He stumbled back and fell, and you got to your feet in a second and pinned him to the ground with your hips and hands.

"Checkmate!" You exclaimed.

He rolled his eyes, sighing. "Okay, fine, you fuckin' got me."

You got off of him and grabbed his bat.

"Don't count your chickens before they've hatched, Al." You said, tossing him back his weapon.

He caught it and threw it up in the air, then caught it again perfectly.

"How about a nice cold beer?" He suggested.

"Sounds good." You replied.

He pulled you up to him and kissed you.

"You were good today, (Y/N). You were super weak and frail like an old ass lady yesterday when we trained. Improving.." He told you as you both gathered up your stuff heading for the door.

You smacked the back of his head while he laughed. "Oh shut up!"

You couldn't help but laugh too as you both grabbed a beer from the cooler and clinked the bottles.

"Gotta love ya (Y/N)." He smiled, sipping his beer.

You smiled back. "Gotta love my idiot." You replied.

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