Finland (Christmas Special!!)

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  • Dedicated to you guys becuz i love you so fucking much

Feliz Navidad mi amigos!! This is a Christmas chapter for you guys!


"Merry Christmas guys!!!" You screamed, walking into the conference room.

There had been a meeting planned on Christmas Eve.

Unfortunately, nobody else in the room was as happy as you were about it being Christmas Eve.

They were all pissed about having to come today.

"Hello (Y/N)!!!" Finland yelled, waving at you excitedly. He was wearing a Santa hat and outfit.

You grinned ear to ear and walked over to sit next to him. He was your best friend.

Everybody else just sat there and sulked.

"Okay, let's get this meeting started." America sighed.

He started talking and naturally, you and Finland tuned him out and began quietly talking to each other.

"I got you something really cool for Christmas." He whispered, smiling at you while he leaned onto the table with his elbows supporting him.

"What is it?" You asked, copying his actions.

"That is for me to know, and you to find out." He giggled.

"Aw, that's not fair! You have me interested now!" You whined. "Can I at least have a hint?"

"Hmm.." Finland scratched the back of his neck. "Okay. I am hoping you like it, it took a lot of bravery to give this to you. That is your hint."

You smiled. "Okay! Do you want a hint of what I got you?"

Finland nodded with a smile.

"It is very much associated with Christmas." You told him, smirking.

A look of curiosity spread across his face.

Little did he know, you were one of Russia's friends, and you had convinced him into giving up one of his precious baby reindeer so you could give it to Finland, who you knew could take proper care of it.

"That sounds cool!" Finland smiled wide at you.

You nodded.

"Hey!!" America suddenly yelled.

Everybody stopped and looked at him.

"It's snowing!!!" He shrieked, pointing out of a window.

Like children, every country got up and scrambled to the windows.

"It sure is!" Finland squealed.

"Okay everybody!!!" Germany yelled. "Let's go home!"

Everybody cheered and scrambled out of the doors.

As soon as you and Finland walked out of the doors, he smiled.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow." Finland sighed.

"Where's your car?" You asked, looking around the lot as all of the countries got into their cars to drive home.

Finland shrugged. "It's okay, I can take a bus."

"No!" You shrieked, grabbing his arm and dragging him to your car.

"I'll drive you home!" You said, unlocking your car and driving Finland home.

~ next morning

You awoke to find presents from all of the different countries.

The first one you went for was the one from Finland.

Picking it up, you realized that it was really light.

You untied the silk ribbon and opened the box, to find a folded up paper and a red rose.

You opened the paper.

'Merry Christmas (Y/N)!

Please meet me at the park at 9:00.

There is where you will get your present.


You looked up at the wall clock you had.


You rushed to your bedroom, where you slid on a pair of slippers and pulled on a warm robe.

You ran out of your house, clutching the letter and poinsettia.

The snow was in a thin layer on the ground, so you ran to the park which you lived just a block from.

You arrived to the park, to see Finland standing in the middle of it.

"Hey!!" You yelled.

Finland smiled and opened his arms as you ran into them.

"So I'm guessing you got my present?" He said into your hair.

"Yeah! What is it you are going to give me?" You mumbled into his chest.

He pulled away from you. "I really do hope you like my present."

He grabbed your hands and brought them up to his chest.

"(Y/N), I love you. I love you so much. Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, and you could feel his hands shaking as they gripped yours in nervousness.

A huge smile spread across your face, and you pulled him into a hug.

"Yes!!" You said into his chest. "Yes Yes Yes!!"

He hugged you tight, before taking a hand and gently placing it under your chin, lifting your head up to face his.

His eyes were half lidded, but soon closed as he pressed his lips onto yours.

Light snow started falling from the sky.

"C'mon.." You whispered as you two finished kissing. "Let me show you your present."

You dragged him back to your house by the hand and into your backyard.

There, you led him into your garage, where the baby reindeer sat, sleeping in a pile of blankets.

"There he is.." You whispered.

Finland gasped, cupping a hand over his mouth as he let go of your hand to kneel down and pet the furry warm creature.

The reindeer awoke, and looked up at Finland.

"Thank you so much!" Finland said, pulling you into another hug.

"Merry Christmas!" You said, laughing while in your new boyfriends warm embrace.

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