2p! France

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This chapter was put up for AshMonroe ! A little bit of blood in this one~


Francois puffed on the cigarette he had, watching you from afar in his big black car. He always admired you, and even when you were out shopping, he always made sure to follow you into the store you were in, making sure to stay out of your sight but keep you in his.

You were in a jewelers shop, picking up the bracelet that you had made for your boyfriend, since today was your 1 year anniversary.

Francois's blood boiled. He despised that stupid boyfriend of yours, he wanted nothing more then to send a bullet through his head.

You randomly glanced up, and noticed a black French car parked on the opposite side of the street your own car was parked on. The windows weren't tinted, and you could see a blonde man inside, watching you.

You quickly looked away and began talking to the jeweler again, eventually forgetting about the blonde man who was watching you. Once you had picked up Francis' bracelet, you left the jewelers store and got into your car and drove home.

The black car had disappeared a few mintes prior to you leaving.

You hummed along to the song that was playing on the radio, and eventually pulled into your driveway, excited to show your lover the bracelet you had specially made for him. As soon as you got out, you saw that same black car from ealier parked in the street in front of your house.

You were now worried.. something wasn't right.

You hurried to the front door and unlocked it quickly, still clutching the box Francis' bracelet was in. You waked down the hall, calling out his name, but got no reply.

You weren't prepared for what you saw next.

As soon as you walked into the living room, you looked over at the couch and screamed in horror. Francis lay there motionless, his chest and face absolutely covered in blood. There was a bouquet of white roses on the floor next to the couch, and they had all been splattered with his crimson red blood.

"Francis!!" You cried, dropping the box you had as you rushed over to him. You began shaking him as hard as you could, tears streaming down your face. But you stopped when you saw the clear bullet entrance that went through the space in between his eyes. You fell silent in shock, and a second later you heard the click of a gun directly behind you. It echoed through the dealthy still silence of your house.

You slowly turned your body to face the direction of the sound, and your eyes eventually locked onto the face of the same man you had seen in the black car earlier. His had a slight beard scruff and lavender eyes, and his blonde hair was pulled into a ponytail. He had on a purple button up shirt, that, of course, was covered in your boyfriends blood. He had on black jeans and dress shoes.

Your eyes focused their gaze on the gun, which was pointed at you.

Almost instantly, he turned his gun around and slammed the butt of it against your temple. Your vision went black and you collapsed, unconscious.

~1 hour later

You awoke in the middle of a pitch black room. You were laying on something soft, it felt like your bed. You head was throbbing, and you felt something wet on the side of your face where his gun came in contact with your head.

It was your blood.

You went to touch your bloody cheek, but something had your hands tied. Come to think of it, you couldn't move your legs either. The man had tied you down.

Once your vision regained a bit of its focus and the stars you were seeing eventually faded, you looked up and saw those same evil lavender eyes glowing in the darkness as they watched your every move. The burning end of his cigarette was glowing orange, and those were the only two things you could see in the darkness.

"W-Who are you?" You tried to sound strong, but the way your voice cracked and splintered, it only made him chuckle as he put his cigarette out.

"I am Francois Vincent Bonnefoy, ma cheri~ and do not tell me your name, I already know it. I know everything about you." He replied, still staring at you.

You shivered. His name sounded so much like your now dead boyfriends, and he looked a lot like him too. You watched his eyes move up as he stood from wherever he was sitting and walked over to you, climbing onto the bed.

His hand reached for you, and you turned away, expecting to be hurt in some way, but you looked up him in surprise and he straddled you and untied the knots that kept your hands and feet bound.

You stared up at him as his eyes locked onto yours, and you felt him lower himself down as his smoky yet minty breath fanned across your face.

You own breath hitched in your throat as you felt his lips barely graze against yours. He eventually kissed you, and you didn't respond because at the moment, you hated this man with all of your soul.

Only when he reached down and pinched your abdomen did you respond and start kissing him back. He smelled like cigarettes and gunpowder, but some of his blonde hair brushed against your cheek, and you were amazed at how soft it was. And his hand, which cupped your cheek, was so gentle.. you moaned softly. He pulled away so you both could breathe, and you stared up at him, blushing.

"Je t'aime." He said huskily.

Francis had said that so many times to you before that it made your eyes water. Francois wiped your eyes softly.

"Someday, ma cheri, you will feel the same way about me."

Hetalia Kisses!! (slowly updating again c: )Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant