Tales of Konoha

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Zuko walks through Konoha while twirling a dull kunai around his finger. He tiredly walks through the village looking for something to amuse himself.

Then he comes across a crowd riled up around the edge of town near the forest.

"Want to win a limited edition obsidian kunai?! It's the sharpest material in the world!" An advertiser exclaims holding up the shining black kunai in a smooth glass case.

Wow, what idiot would sign up up to win that? Zuko thought already walking towards the advertiser who drew a crowd. Me, I'm the idiot who would try to win that.

"Sign up for the dueling contest to win it!" He exclaimed showing the crowd a scroll for admission signing.

Instantly a bunch of high-tier ninja bolt towards the scroll pinned against the cheap beige painted wall wanting to win this sharp kunai. Zuko sighs, waiting for the crowd to pass then luckily earns one of the last spots on the list. Zuko creates a false last name just because he never really had a surname.

The advertiser grins cheekily before looking at all the names, Zuko's fake name included.

"Well look what we have here! 8 contestants who all have a chance for the prize!" The brown haired advertiser exclaimed while the crowd slowly waits for fights to begin.

Zuko wasn't wearing his ninja mission gear at the moment so he was just in a red T-shirt and baggy black pants along with black boots which wrap nicely around his kneecaps. His wrists had black threaded bands along with his fireproof scarf which was tied at his waist.

High-tier ninja would stare at Zuko as if they already won the battle since he was younger and thought to be less experienced with fighting. But soon he would prove them wrong.

"First match...Yamanaka Riku versus Shoju Kusuke!" The brown haired man exclaims towards the crowd who was cheering for the fight to happen.

People who participated in this event had "special" seats which were just higher view seats for the match.

Zuko sat at the end of the row, his elbow on the arm rest while looking unamused then twirls a kunai between his porcelain fingers.

The other competitors looked at him with irritation. Thoughts like; he must be so cocky, he should stop acting cool, why are all the girls looking at him and he's probably bluffing since he must be weak were common thoughts of jealously from the other seven competitors.

Zuko glances at the other seven with his golden eyes and all that cockiness from them just disappeared.

First match went by quick. The Yamanaka boy one only because he took over the the other person's mind and forced them to quit. Second match was between two civilians who thought they could handle a sword, ended with one of them taking both swords.

"Next up is...Firagi Kuzo versus Narima Momura!" The man announced with a wide smile. The crowd that gathered slowly riled up at the sight of the two.

Momura had spiky dirty blonde hair that brushed against the back of his neck. His eyes were a dull navy blue and his skin was fair. He lazily slouched and stuffed his hands down his pocket. Only giving Zuko a glance for recognition.

Zuko knew he couldn't underestimate anyone, especially this guy since he seemed so laid back.

Zuko and Momura meet face to face on the dusty ground. Rules were whoever surrendered or got knocked out from the rectangular ring first loses. Zuko stops twirling his kunai and stuffs it back in his pouch, holding up his fists.

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