21: Pain Train

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My head hurts.
My body aches.
"She's just a little out at shape, send Deidara to...'fix her up'."
I can't even talk.
My eyes are shut like locks.
Have I been sent to Hell?

An thunderous explosion rang through my ears sending chills through out my body. It shocked me so much that it opened my eyes. But of course, I am blind so I can't-

"Art is an EXPLOSION!" A voice hollers as I felt loud vibrations near me.

The ground beneath me shakes as I touch the cold floor. The shaking continues as pebbles fall from the ceiling of this place.

"Pain, she is awake." Spoke a feminine voice.

I lifted myself off the ground instantly feeling my surroundings. Two people stood just four feet away from me. There was another person setting off explosions on the surface above.

One of the people in front of me tried to snatch my clothing but I jumped back before it happened.

"She's quick." Said the same lady.

"But blind." A deep voice cut in which portray that of a grown man.

"And strong." I added while stomping the ground. Rocks encased my body which made me a suit of rock armor.

"We don't wish to fight." The lady speaks.

"Tell me where the hell I am and why you brought me here!".

"You are in our hideout and we brought you here because you can be of great use to us."

"I see no thing in it for me and besides! You guys already sound pretty shady, judging from explosion man upstairs, oh and you kidnapping me!" I exclaimed keeping all my senses keen. "I'm not being no use to anyone until I get myself some answers, starting with who are you and what are y'names?!".

"I am Pain, leader of the Akatsuki, next to me is Konan who is a member of our group." Before I could yell some more, the lady Konan took over.

"The Akatsuki is a group of people that are trying to bring World Peace as we are the rulers of it."

I scoffed narrowing my eyes at the two. "Your both insane, World Peace never exists unless you can stop all people from violence and conflict." I say sounding reasonable for once.

"...we are quite the talented group here Toph Beifong and our goal will be completed... force or not." Konan states with confidence.

"But its still wrong...you need conflicts to make the right choices."

"What if was something to sway you to our side?" Pain asks quietly.

I quirked my lips. "I don't think you'd be able to."

That's when I felt like their lips curled upwards.

"What if..."







"We gave you your sight back?."


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