Chapter 85, Master Plan, part 1

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Master Plan, part 1

The paramedic arrived on the field.

''He's dead.'' Mom told the paramedic. Scott, Isaac and I looked at each other.

''Everyone get back!'' Coach yelled to everyone. ''And my team, go change.''

The team walked into the school and I looked at mom who is talking with the paramedic. I backed up a little and watched as the paramedic put Jackson in a body's bag then they put him on the gurney.

They walked towards the ambulance and mom followed them. I looked at Coach who have a sad look on his face. Sighs. I turned to look at Mr. Stilinski who is talking on his phone. Probably about Stiles. I'm guessing he's talking with the other cops and telling them that they need to find Stiles. I really feel bad for Mr. Stilinski though, I mean the look on his face. He looks really confused, sad and lost.

But what happened to Stiles? I mean, he wouldn't leave the game. Well, he might be in the boy's locker room but I don't think so. I mean, the lights on the field went off then Jackson is dead and Stiles is somewhere. Stiles is my best friend and now we don't know where he is and I feel bad. I mean, he made a lot of goals and it's because of him that our team won. He didn't have the time to enjoy that. I swear if I find out someone did something to Stiles, I'll kill them. The bitch who did that is going to regret it.

I walked towards the school and walked towards the boy's locker room but I didn't go in it because I don't want to see naked guys.

I'm tired of this shit. God, I feel like I can't breathe with all the problems. I mean, Peter the bitch was an Alpha who was killing people and it took a lot of time to find out that he was the Alpha. It's also him who started all this drama. He bit Scott. And since Scott was bitten, the drama started. Well, it's a little bit fun that we live in a supernatural world because at least my life isn't that boring.

Anyway, like I said Peter was the Alpha. He scratched me and that scratch caused me to have delusions about that bitch. I really hate Peter. I know he's Derek's uncle but I hate him. Not Derek but Peter. Well, the same night I was scratched, Victoria found out about werewolves. She also had a crush on Derek. I still can't believe that she gave him her phone number the first day we meet Derek. A few days later (after that Peter scratched me), Derek went on the Alpha side. That was when I started to eat chocolate. Hey! Don't judge me. I love chocolate. But I ate a lot of chocolate because I was sad and angry that Derek was on the Alpha side.

And a few days later he popped out of nowhere in my room, and I only had a towel around me. Gosh, it was embarrassing. Anyway, I changed my clothes and when I walked out of the bathroom, I was angry at him but he kissed me and we started to make out until I saw Peter in the corner of my room but it was only a delusion. A day later after we made out, Kate kidnapped Derek. Yeah, she's a bitch. The first time I saw her, I know I couldn't trust her.

A few days later, it was the Formal but I needed to go to the store but my waist was hurting (apparently, my waist was hurting because Derek was hurt. And it was because he is my mate. Deaton told me that.) So I pulled over but Peter opened the car's door and grabbed me and started to drag me towards the woods. Well, no, he wasn't dragging me but he was forcing me to go in the woods. And it was the night that he bit me.

After he bit me, that bitch ran away. I'm guessing he saw a cat and run after it. But Kate arrived and she saw the bite. So you can say that she kidnapped me. So we went somewhere under Derek's burned house and that was the night that Derek told me that he loves me. It was also the same night that Derek came the Alpha and Peter died.

I thought if Peter died I would stop having delusions but I was wrong. It continued and it was getting more scarier and I was having nightmares. I also found out that Lydia was having delusions too. And I felt really bad for her because she didn't know who was Peter and I'm guessing she still don't know who he is. But does that means she know about...werewolves? Maybe not.

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