Chapter 15- Heart monitor, part 1

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Heart monitor, part 1

Monday! Boring! This week-end, I took the pills and I promise I was acting weird. Mom wasn't sure if it was a good idea to take the pills because of the hallucinations. One of my hallucinations, was the Alpha so you can say I screamed a bloody murder. So, I stopped to take the pills. So yesterday, I helped Victoria with her English project and we went running in the woods. I was really tired after the jogging. It has been three days that I didn't see Derek and I miss him. The last time I saw him, was at the video store before I black out.

So now, I'm sitting on the bench next to Stiles to watch Scott's game. Mom is not here because she's busy at her work. Victoria isn't here too. The game started. Coach Finstock sat next to Stiles.

''Stilinski, can you go in the school? I need my phone.'' Coach told Stiles. Well, more like ordered.

Stiles frowned. ''Why me?''

''Because. I don't want to miss the game. Let's go.'' He gave the keys to Stiles. Stiles sighed and walked towards the school. Coach Finstock got up.

Suddenly, the outside lights went out, plunging everything into darkness. Some people yelled. I got up and I almost tripped on something in front of me. I think it was a bag. I started to walk towards the middle of the field. I can hear the players talking but I can't see anything.

''Scott!'' I called.

Then something pushed me hard on the ground. I groaned. What the hell was that? I got up but the thing pushed me again. I got up again and saw a big silhouette running. What? It looked at me and the thing have red eyes. Holy crap! The Alpha. Seriously?!? Why does he really want me in his freaking pack?!? He growled then the Alpha started to run again. I started to shake a little. Shit! I don't want to go at the hospital. Suddenly, someone arrived in front of me and wrapped their arms around my waist. Derek?

He looked at me. ''You okay?''

''Yeah.'' I replied. I stopped to shake. I have butterflies in my stomach and my heart started to beat faster. Then I hear a growl again and it wasn't Derek.

I looked at Derek and his eyes are not green but an electric blue.

''He's here.'' He whispered. ''The Alpha.''

But why the Alpha is here? Oh, I hope he's not here to bit me.

Suddenly, something pushed Derek and me on the ground. I'm sure it was Alpha. Derek got up and helped me.

He looked everywhere then said, ''He's gone.'' Then the lights opened again. Everyone looks confused. ''I need to go.'' I looked at Derek and I nodded. Then he ran into the woods.

''Em!'' Someone yelled. I turned my head and saw my brother running towards me. ''You okay?''

I nodded. ''Yeah.'' Then I let out a sigh.

I just can't believe what happened.


After the lacrosse game, Scott and I need to do the groceries. Yeah so fun! Note the sarcasm. Mom wanted us to do the groceries because Scott wasn't here a few days ago for the teacher/parent conference and because I talk too much with Stiles in my Chemistry class. But hey! It's not my fault he's my best friend.

''Let's go Scott! I want to go home.'' I said.

''Yeah I know. Just wait.'' He said. He grabbed three bags and I grabbed two bags. We took the elevator and waited.

The elevator dinged as it stopped then it opened. We walked out and made our way to the car. My bags were getting heavier. Sighs.

''Crap.'' Scott whispered.

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