Chapter 5, Second chance at first line, part 2

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Chapter 5, Second chance at first line, part 2

It's Scott. He looked at Jackson then said angrily, ''If you hurt or touch her again, I promise you'll regret it!'' Then he threw Jackson on the ground. Everyone in the cafeteria is looking at us. Stiles helped me to get up. My twin brother is the best, seriously.

''Uh Em, your nose is bleeding,'' Stiles said. I touched the bottom of my nose then looked at my hand and I have blood on it. Well, I'm happy that Scott isn't a vampire.

''Em, are you okay?'' I looked up and saw my brother looking at me. I nodded.

''Yeah. Thanks by the way. I'm going to the bathroom to clean my nose.'' I told him.

"Want me to come with you?" He asked and I shook my head.

"No thanks." He nodded then I left the cafeteria.

I opened the bathroom door and sighed. I hate Jackson!!

I took some toilet paper and started to clean the blood who is on my nose.

''Son of a bitch,'' I muttered.

''Who did that?'' Someone asked. I jumped and bumped in the wall next to me. I looked in front of me and saw Derek standing in front of me.

''What are you doing in the school?'' I asked.

''Who did that to you?'' He asked.

''Uh...Someone.'' I replied. He raised an eyebrow. ''One of Jackson's friend.'' He nodded.

''Are you going to be okay?'' He asked.

I nodded. ''Yeah.''

''There.'' He said grabbing a paper and wiped the blood on my nose. I blushed madly.

''Thanks.'' I said nervously. Whoa. I'm nervous. It's the first time that I'm nervous around boys especially Derek. He looked in my brown eyes and I stared in his green eyes.

Suddenly, someone opened the door. Derek went to a toilet and closed the door.

I looked at who opened the door and it's Victoria. Thank god, She didn't saw Derek.

She smiled at me. ''Hey are you coming?'' She asked. I nodded.

''Yeah.'' I put the toilet paper in the garbage and left the girl's bathroom. Ok, I have no idea what happened in the bathroom with Derek. But it was...I really have no idea. I was nervous and I have no idea why. And for one second, I thought he was going to kiss me. Me, Emily McCall was nervous. Wow!

''So how is your nose?'' Victoria asked.

''Better.'' I answered. We arrived in the cafeteria and she sat next to my brother and Allison was also sitting next to him.

''Are you okay?'' Scott asked. I nodded. Yeah, you just interrupted a beautiful moment with Derek Hale. I glanced back towards the bathroom and saw him walking down the hallway in the other direction. I sighed. Damnit.


The last bell rang. YES!! We can go home!! I walked to my locker but Scott isn't at his locker. So, I went outside and his bike is not here. This morning, Stiles gave me a ride to go at school but now where is Scott? Oh God, that means I need to walk. I sighed. Oh! Maybe Stiles is here. I ran to his jeep and he's here. Victoria has a detention, so she can't give me a ride back home. Yeah. I know it's sad. Want to know why she had detention? She yelled at Jackson and punched him in the face because of what happened in the cafeteria. And that's why she's my best friend.

''Hey Em.'' Stiles said.

''Hey, can you drive me home?'' I asked. He nodded.

''Yeah.'' He said. I was going to say something but his phone vibrated.

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