▪ Chapter 16 ▪

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Miss Lovato stood right outside of her classroom, taking deep breaths trying to calm herself down.

"Okay, Dem, you got this, you can do this." She talked to herself before placing her hand on the door and pushing it over, revealing her students sitting there, waiting for her to start the lecture.

"Good morning, guys" She said, bringing a smile to her lips while the room got filled by replies to her greeting.

Even though she had been doing this for almost four years, this time it felt different. She didn't feel as confident as she used to when it came to teaching. She'd always had a huge passion for Literature and when everything had gone down during her High School years because of bullying and complications with boyfriends, she'd drowned her problems in books and learning about all different kind of things, which ended up with her being a big expert and graduating High School before time. After that college was quickly finished by her, meeting Wilmer in one of the last years of her degree and then it didn't take long before they'd hired her and it had always felt amazing, she was very proud of her achievements and having Wilmer always by her side supporting her, as a friend at first, then as a lover, after as a boyfriend, and then as a best friend until... This moment, this was the first time she was actually completely without him and she felt empty. Something was missing, and she knew it was him.

The lecture went pretty good, everyone payed attention except for one or two that were on their phones all the time silently giggling. Normally, she would have said something to those students but not today, being there was already a big effort for her so she really didn't feel like calling them out, so, instead, she calmly continued her lesson.

"Miss Lovato, it was nice having you back" Demi was carefully placing her notes in her bag when the lecture finished. She turned her back to face the girl that had just spoken.

"Oh, thanks, Eva" She thanked as a wide smile appeared on her lips. "My pleasure" Eva replied as she played with a dark brown lock of her long and straight hair. Demi smiled once more before grabbing her bag.

"I was actually worried about you, I thought something bad had happened and I wouldn't want my favorite prof to leave, y'know? " Eva spoke as they both exited the classroom. Demi pulled a confused face.

Yes, she was already used to students being too nice to her in order to get better grades but this was a bit different, she thought.

"That's very nice of you to say, Eva, I'm flattered... But I'm fine, I just had some family issues to solve." Demi explained as she walked towards the cafeteria with the younger girl still following her.

"Ah, okay, I hope everything's good" Replied Eva, holding her books close to her chest with her right hand. "Thanks" Demi said as they continued walking for a bit more.

"Is there something I can do for you?" Demi asked, stopping right in front of the cafeteria, and trying to sound as nice as possible but, if she was honest, Eva following her wasn't the best feeling ever.

"Oh!" Eva giggled a bit, placing the hand that was not holding her books on her mouth. "Sorry, Miss Lovato, my friends are in there... I was just going to join them, sorry if it seemed I was following you or something" She quickly explained. Demi smiled awkwardly at her student. "Bye, Miss, see you tomorrow" Eva added before waving at her and entering the café, leaving Demi behind as she looked how her thin figure disappeared.

She was a nice girl, Eva. Demi had noticed several times how she always tried to help her classmates with essays and similar things, and she always wore a smile on her face. She was also very pretty. Eva was tall and her brown skin always seemed to glow. Demi wondered, as she entered the cafeteria and ordered a big cup of coffee, what she did with her hair because it always looked so perfect without even seeming to try. Her brown eyes put themselves on Eva and her friends, who were sitting just a couple of tables away from her. Eva's hair covered her entire back as she talked to her friends, making them laugh hysterically.

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