Weigh In

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This is a situation with my friends and tell me how you feel about this.

My group has known each other for years. A year and a half ago we became so close. Best of friends. Of course a ton of things have happened good and bad. Friend A and Friend B are the best of friends. Inseparable. They do everything together and tell each other everything. Every single month for the past 6 month friend A will get upset about someone or something and take it out on Friend B. Tells her she is a horrible friend and she doesn't care about friend A at all. Treats her like shit for a few days.

Friend B does everything in their power to show Friend A how much they love them. How much they care and that they will never leave. Friend A realizes she over reacted and moves on like nothing. Never apologizes for being so awful and vindictive. Friend B is expected to move on and she does.

Friend A also likes to have friend B do everything with her without question. Gets mad when she can't. And tells her she's a bad friend. Mind you Friend B has two jobs (3 at present date). And friend A tells her they aren't real jobs and Friend B shouldn't be as physically and emotionally tired as she is.

Now let's get into our current problem.

Three or four months ago friend A started seeing this man T (along with a slew of others including her ex fiancé who was abusive). T is a fuck boy through and through. Is trying to sleep with as may girls as he is old by his birthday and is Close to achieving this. He is dragging Friend A along. Tells her her sexuality isn't real. Tells her she isn't pretty. Says she isn't thin enough or fit enough. This is to a point where she is starving herself to lose weight as she is already around 100 pounds to begin with. He even slept with another girl on Friend A's birthday.

Friend A thinks she loves T and he doesn't want a relationship.

One drunken night Friend A passed out and Friend B took care of her though she had other responsibilities. T came to friend B and gave her shot after shot. Friend B is to the point she isn't sure what is real and nearly black out state. T lays on top of her. Friend B didn't know what was happening until they were finished having sex. She was told to never tell.

Friend B is ashamed and scared Friend A will not believe her so she says nothing.

T has now reached his age worth in sexual partners. T wants a relationship with friend A now and tells her of what happened. Friend A told Friend B she hates her and never wants to see her again. Friend A is still throwing a surprise party for T and leaving for the military with him to be with him.

Friend A only speaks to me when she needs something. I only was clued in on anything because of Friend B. That includes parties, trips, life changes, and events. Friend A hasn't talked personally to me in a long while.

Am I right to want to be there with Friend B and let Friend A go? Mind you Friend B confides in me, shows me unconditional love, supports me and is getting a house with me.

Though I still love Friend A dearly she has changed in my mind. She is an awful friend. I can't stand by this. I'll go to that party as a goodbye. I won't eat I won't drink. I won't look at T in the eye. But so help me if Friend A tries to degrade Friend B I will not hold back my anger.

I'll delete this soon. I just need to vent.

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