Chapter 19

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The song above is just perfect

"You failed this unit test, it's not like you Cole." My math teacher said handing me back my test. I looked down at it and just imagined what dad would say to me.

Probably nothing but continue on like it's nothing. He usually leaves mom to the discipling.

"Sorry, sir. It won't happen again." I mumbled, wishing the bell would ring. Finally it did but he called me out.

"Is there something going going on?" Little does he know.

"No, I'm fine, sir." I mumbled just wishing I could leave and talk to Oscar.

"Listen kiddo, I know senior year is usually the year where everyone experiments and gets wild because it's the last year and they think that everything has to be done now or else they'll never do it," He took a breath, "but you don't need to do that-"

"My father is in the hospital dying, sir, trust me I'm doing fine." I simply stated and began my journey out of the classroom.

"I'm sorry to hear that, wait!" He called out once I reached the doorway. I turned around.


"If you need somebody to talk to, I'm here, along with the counselors and the rest of your teachers."

"I don't need anybody to talk to, I'm fine." I said walking out of the classroom, leaving the failed test behind.

Oscar was waiting for me outside the library dressed in a yellow pullover hoodie and skinny jeans. He smirked when he saw me and got off the wall he was leaning on.

"Hey." He greeted, catching up with me only to turn back around and walking into the library.

Only with me following him.

"Hey." I said, we went to our usual spot in the corner. Nobody was in the library, especially since it's after school and nobody wants to be in here longer than they have to.

Except us, of course, where our homes are the last places we want to be.

"What book are you reading now?" I asked taking out the same book I've been trying to finish reading for the past two years. I take breaks from it and everything but it's so long.

"It's this book about Malcolm X and the whole civil rights movement, what about you?" He asked me with a smile, I shrugged my shoulders and held up the first Harry Potter book.

"I've been meaning to finish it but never end up finishing it." I shortly explained and looked down at it. It even has some dust. I began reading the first page in 4th grade. I'm a senior now.

"Interesting." He laughed. We both relaxed. I laid out my legs and couldn't help but get tired reading the book, my head ended up resting on Oscar's thighs.

His small hand was relaxing me as he played with my hair. I looked up at him and into his green eyes.

Oscar's face was so concentrated as he read his book. His eyebrows were slightly pushed together as his eyes grew wide and winked with interest.

His lips were really pink and was loose, formed into a small smile. He must have noticed me watching him because he looked up from his book and looked down at me.

"Like what you see?" He asked playfully. I rolled my eyes and put down my book.

"I should be asking you that."

"Too bad you already know the answer." He shortly said, his eyes glossed over as he looked at my face. It was if he was reading it.

"What?" I asked confused, however, I didn't notice the camera phone that was suddenly hovering over me. 

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