Chapter 9

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"Too young, too dumb
To know things like love
Too young, too dumb
So I drown it out like I always do
Dancing through our house
With the ghost of you."
~Ghost Of You, 5 Seconds Of Summer

'I'm coming back to school today.' -Oscar.

Will he talk to me? Will he even look at me? I mean, I guess we're friends but what do you do when you have friends? Am I expected to hit with him in lunch? Am I expected to follow him around and laugh at every joke?

With my old friends, it was easy. We would talk about random things and play football.

"I'm leaving now." I said to mom, grabbing my keys. She looked over at me with wide eyes.

"You look different." She said with a smirk.

I looked down at my outfit and rolled my eyes, I was wearing a v-neck but this time my collarbone was extra noticeable. The skinny jeans I was wearing made me look noice. And I may have put on a dash of makeup but it's only to clean up the mess on my face. My hair was messy but I made sure it looked good. And lastly, I was wearing boots because my converse were tarnished by my dog.

Speaking of which, "Bye Freddie!"

Freddie scrambled over to me with a large smile on his cute little face. "Bye!" He barked or at least that's what it felt like he was saying.

"I'm going to miss you so much, yes I am! Yes I am!" I said ruffling behind his ear making his leg move in the cutest way possible. "I can't wait to come home."

Mom laughed and ruffled my hair. "You haven't even gone to school yet and you want to go home."

Rolling my eyes, I stood up and gave Mom a hug. It took her a while to hug me back. "What happened?"

I stepped away confused. "Does something have to happen for me to hug you?"

Mom nodded her head before leaving the house as well. After a few seconds to collect myself and my excessively happy mood, I skipped down the stairs into the lovely day.

It's so beautiful outside! The sky was a beautiful pink and orange hue, the moon was still out as the sun slowly rised. Clouds danced across the sky!

I am so happy today! The drive to school was wonderful! People smiled and allowed me to pass through, I even went to get a coffee from the local coffee shop and they gave it to me for free because of the lovely conversation I had with the employee.

Life is great.

It truly is!

The school guards smiled at me as I passed by them to go to my first period. I sat in my chair, waiting for the period to be over, my leg was bouncing up and down nonstop.

Second period, Issac and I presented our project and got a 100 percent. Issac fist bumped me saying, "sick bro!"

Whatever that means.

Third and fourth went by without a worry. Lunch came by and I quickly got a salad before going to the library.

Walking in, the air felt different. A sudden sick feeling arose in my sudden and I didn't feel like smiling anymore.

"Is the book Clockword Orange in stock?" I asked the librarian who looked at me like I was a fly.

What the hell is her problem?

"No, just got checked out kid." She said before going back to whatever librarians do.

"Great, thanks." I said walking to the shelves and sitting down against the wall that separates the M shelf from the N shelf.

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